
Summary: God gives us a unique revelation about himself to bring us out of our difficulties.

In our difficult situations, God gives us a unique revelation about himself to bring us out of our difficulties. This revelation will comfort, sustain, and bring us out of our difficulties. This revelation will be a lifetime blessing or asset that can be used many times in the future. Some of these revelations can be a blessing to millions of people around us. For example – The Lord of Hosts is first found (or mentioned) in the Bible by Hannah in her struggle for a child. The term Lord of Hosts refers to God as the Lord of all Hosts. Hosts can be living creatures such as cells, angels, 24 elders, and so on. God lives among the council of Hosts and instructs them to carry out his plans and purposes. The revelation of God - Lord of Hosts - that Hannah discovered in her difficult situation has benefitted millions of people till date. The Lord has a great number of different types of Hosts who can carry out his plans.

The unique revelation can be a new revelation of God or an existing nature of God that we experience in our difficult situation. Everyone who goes through a difficult situation will undoubtedly have experienced an unique revelation about God with which they can associate with. Lord of Hosts was found by Hannah in her struggle. Hannah encountered the Lord of Hosts(Lord of all cells) during her struggle. This unique revelation about God not only opened the womb of Hannah once but many times. Hannah had several more children after Samuel.

El Roi, the-God-Who-Sees was found by Hagar, when she running away from her mistress Sarai. The God who sees, protected and safeguarded Hagar’s child throughout his life, until he became a nation. For the outside world, it appeared that Hagar was fleeing for her mistress Sarai. But El Roi saw that the child that Hagar bore will become a great nation, and he protected him throughout his life. The God who sees the present, also sees the future was revealed to Hagar. Hagar experienced a God who can see both the present and the future. Her present and future was secure as a result of this revelation.

The unique revelation of God we experience in our difficult times is used not only to bring us out of our troubles, but also to bring us into His blessings. God allows difficult times in our lives because they allow him to reveal a unique revelation about himself. All revelations about God and His nature in the Bible are revealed to His people mainly in their difficult periods or seasons. Difficult times are avenues where God reveals more about Himself and His nature. The more difficult the situations, the more He reveals His nature to comfort and sustain us. The revelation of God, Emmanuel, or God with us (Isaiah 7), was found or discovered during a battle.

This is the principle that runs throughout the Bible. God in order to bring His people out of difficulties, He gives a unique revelation about himself. The magnitude of the revelation depends on the depth of the difficulty. This revelation brings people out of their difficulties and into a season of blessing. Perhaps if we asked the saints of the Bible, they would have answered that they experienced many unique revelations about God in their difficult times. These unique revelations can be found more in difficult seasons rather than good times. These unique revelations of God are God's blessings (in disguise), which can be used throughout our lives and have no expiration date. These unique revelations are like pearls or jewels in the Kingdom of God.

If these pearls are counted, each saint in the Bible would have collected at least ten pearls. Did you get any unique revelation about God and His nature during your difficult situations? You surely might have experienced a unique revelation about God during your difficult times. Remember them and always be thankful to God for them. How many pearls did you collect during your lifetime? What we learn about God via experience in difficult situations stays with us throughout our lives. We can learn more about God in difficult times more than in good times. Do share the unique revelations of God that we had experienced in difficult times with others, as it will be a blessing to them.

The revelation of God as Lord of Hosts and El Roi have blessed millions of people till date. So your unique revelation of God can likewise be a blessing to others.

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