
Summary: 3 major signs we're living in the last days.

How do we know we're in the last days, public shootings, prophecy, or pubic school violence? In 2 tim 3: 1-7, the Apostle Paul helps us know how er're living in the last days. How do we know er're living in the last days, (first, second, third), by a:

1. Luke Warm Country.

how do we know we"re living in the last days, America is becoming a lukewarm country, notice the words of 1 Timothy 3: 1-4. Doesn"t this sound like America, l"lovers of money. . . unholy. . . lovers of plesure". How do we know we're living in the last days, we know because America is a lukewarm country.

2. Lukewarm Churches.

How do we know we're living in the last days, by the lukewarm churches in America today, " having a form of godliness but denying the power it's power" ( 3 Tim 5). Many churches do not have the power of the Holy Spirit, instead that are telling people shacking up is ok, , same-sex is ok . you don't need to be serving Christ to get to heaven. How do we know we're living in the last days, many churches in America lukewarm.

3. Lukewarm Christian.

How do we know we're living in the last days, by lukewarm Christian's that are in the church today, they're "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth( 2 Tim 3:7). Be careful of lukewarm Christian's who put on a show of holiness, but inside they"re only interested in money, material things, and the,momentary pleasures of life. How do we know we're living in the last days, we have many lukewarm Christians in the church today.

Concl: We're living in the last days, let's be ready and watching for the Rapture!

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