
Summary: A person may slip and stumble during their spiritual walk, just like a person can trip and tumble during their physical walk. But what happens afterward?

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The genuine soul falls as an explorer may do, by faltering at some stone in his way. However, he gets up, and goes on his way with more consideration and speed. The writer might be utilizing the word “falls” not in the feeling of falling downward into transgression, yet in the feeling of being overpowered by an impending disaster. The righteous ought to emerge from whatever transitory disaster is brought upon them.

Undoubtedly, many preachers have discussed how a good man may ‘fall’ into trouble or sin, but that just man never gives in. He looks to God in repentance and rises back up into service. God never forsakes a repentant sinner but will deliver him out of his transgressions (Job 5:19).

There may come times during our lives when we may wish that we could get away from our difficulties, the aggravation of distress, misfortune, sorrow, and disappointment, or even the little everyday dissatisfactions that continually wear us out. God vows to be our wellspring of power, fortitude, and mental insight to help us through our concerns. At times he decides to convey us from these issues. When an unwanted circumstance strikes, we should not get baffled with God. Given the circumstances, we ought to modestly concede that we really do need his assistance and give thanks to him for being close by (Psalm 34:18-19).

A good individual is one who follows God, confides in him, and attempts to do his will. God looks after and coordinates each progression that individual takes. On the off chance that we might want to have God direct our direction, we ought to look for his recommendation and direction before we venture out (Psalm 37:23-24).

A just man does not fall from his righteousness for it is an everlasting one, nor from the grace of God. However, he may fall into temptation and sin, as every just man does (Ecclesiastes 7:20). Every day man stands in need of freshly applying the pardoning grace of God, for which he is directed to pray daily. Interestingly with the recuperation and restoration of the just man, when the wicked endure calamity there is no recovery for them (Proverbs 14:32; Psalm 6:8; Psalm 119:115). The wicked shall fall into mischief where they will lie in it and never rise from it. They will fall into punishment to which there is no delivery (Matthew 7:23).

While Christians can expect to endure while here on this earth, we should remember that Satan cannot hurt our spirits or remove our timeless existence with God. There are many motivations to be apprehensive while here below since this is Satan's area. However, if we make a conscience decision to follow Jesus, he will give us never-ending security (John 10:28-29).

To Die Daily:

Paul had referred to his exposure to physical danger every day. Not that he was in an actual fight with someone or a ferocious beast, but to the ruthless opposition that he would encounter (1 Corinthians 15:31). We too will face opposition from the world, which is the flesh. So, we must prepare ourselves to “die” to those earthly desires.


Confession should free us so that we can appreciate our fellowship with Christ. It ought to calm our souls and reduce our worries. In any case, a few Christians fail to see how it functions. They feel so regretful that they admit similar sins repeatedly, and afterward keep thinking about whether they could have failed to remember something. Other Christians accept that God excuses them when they confess sins, yet if they passed on with any unconfessed sins, they would be perpetually lost. These Christians do not comprehend that God wants to pardon us.

He permitted his dearest Son to die on the cross so that he could forgive us. Whenever we come to Christ, he pardons every one of the wrongdoings that we have perpetrated or at any point will conduct. We do not have to confess the transgressions of the past anymore, and we do not have to worry that he will throw us out if we do not keep our record completely perfect. Obviously, we want to keep on confessing our transgressions, yet not on the grounds that we think the inability to do so will cause us to lose our salvation. Our hope in Christ is steadfast. All things being equal, we confess so that we can appreciate the wonderful joy and fellowship with him.

Genuine confession additionally includes a responsibility not to go on in wrongdoing. We are not really admitting our transgressions before God assuming we intend to submit the wrongdoing once more and simply want transitory absolution. We should pray for the strength to overcome the allurement the following time that it may show up (1 John 1:9).

Unceasing Prayer:

We cannot invest all of our energy on our knees yet having a devout demeanor (prayerful attitude) consistently is conceivable. This disposition is based after recognizing our reliance on God, understanding his presence inside us, and deciding to comply with him completely. We then, at that point, can find it regular to pray continuous, unconstrained, short petitions. A prayerful disposition is certifiably not a substitute for a customary period of prayer (as in every morning, every noontime, and every evening), yet it ought to be an outgrowth of those times (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

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