
Summary: However, biblical symbols have become the source of so much doctrinal misunderstanding in recent times.

How Symbols Are Misused:

However, biblical symbols have become the source of so much doctrinal misunderstanding in recent times. Many denominations have misinterpreted symbols to misrepresent the nature and personality of the Holy Spirit.

On the other hand, a believer can ascribe to a false image of the Holy Spirit by using a wrong interpretation of symbols. A case in point is the symbol of fire. Many churches and individuals have misinterpreted the element of fire to portray the Holy Spirit as an emanation of God, an influence, and an impersonal force. These teachings lack the merit of a true context. They deny the discernment necessary to understand the person of the Spirit of God.

At the same time, some churches misinterpret symbols to teach and portray the Holy Spirit as an attribute of God. These teachings are based on a false and faulty interpretation of symbols.

And so, the Lord uses symbols to introduce the hidden wisdom of God and to protect certain truths about Himself and His kingdom. Therefore, symbols serve faithful believers who are steadily growing in the faith of Christ. Since the Lord used them in many unique ways to convey the things of the Spirit of God.

Hence, with due diligence, you will always find secret meanings hidden behind biblical types, shadows, parables, and symbols. The secrets of the Spirit of God are for those who will approach Him by faith and receive the clear teachings of the Scriptures.

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The Real End Of The World


By: Ed Vasicek

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