Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In the cataclysmic events of the last days, the hearts of men will faint. In such events, it will be easy to lose hope unless we clearly understand what Biblical hope is. Let us take a look at what this hope is:
In the cataclysmic events of the last days, the hearts of men will faint. In such events, it will be easy to lose hope unless we clearly understand what Biblical hope is. Let us take a look at what this hope is:
I Hope’s Connotation: What does it mean?
i) Not a wish: Hot a hope so or I wish kind of hope but a sure hope: “a joyful confident expectation of what God is going to do on your behalf”, Rom 15:13
ii) It is: The future tense of faith. Rom 4:18 Abraham had no natural hope to have a child but based on the promise of God he hoped and made this hope sure by his faith.
iii) It is alive: 1Pe 1:3, new birth into a living hope. Biblical hope is alive, vital and based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
II Hope’s Companions: Faith and Love!
i) Not alone: It belongs to a triad of virtues: faith hope and love, 1Co 13:13, 1Th 1:3: work produced by faith, labour by love and endurance by hope.
III Hope’s Contribution: To our Lives
i) Plants us firm: It anchors our soul. Heb 6:18-19.
ii) Produces Patience: Rom 5:3-5, suffering, perseverance, character and hope.
iii) Purifies us: 1Jo 3:3 The hope of seeing Jesus, purifies us and prepares us to see Him.
iv) Promotes joyful confidence: Rom 8:28, our hope helps us believe that in all things God is working for our good.
Are you living in hope today? Is your hope strong, sure, vital, accompanied by faith and love? Is it causing you to be joyful, confident, patient and pure?