
Summary: An opening by Dr. Paul Ruskin in the Journal of the A.M.A. “Stages of Aging.” It was really a photo of his baby daughter. Simeon holds the baby Jesus ..How did he know which baby in the temple that day? How did He and "we" listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit?

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In Jesus Holy Name December 26, 2021

Christmas I Redeemer

Text Luke 2:5a, 26

“Hope For the Future”

Some years ago, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article by Dr. Paul Ruskin on the “Stages of Aging.” In the article, Dr. Ruskin described a case study he had presented to his students when teaching a class in medical school.

He described the case study patient under his care like this:

“The patient neither speaks nor comprehends the spoken word. Sometimes she babbles incoherently for hours on end. She is disoriented about person, place, and time. She does, however, respond to her name… I have worked with her for the past six months, but she still shows complete disregard for her physical appearance and makes no effort to assist her own care. She must be fed, bathed, and clothed by others.

“Because she has no teeth, her food must be pureed. Her shirt is usually soiled from almost incessant drooling. She does not walk. Her sleep pattern is erratic.

Often she wakes in the middle of the night and her screaming awakens others. Most of the time she is friendly and happy, but several times a day she gets quite agitated without apparent cause. Then she wails until someone comes to comfort her.”

After presenting the class with this challenging case, Dr. Ruskin then asked his students if any of them would like to volunteer to take care of this person. No one volunteered.

Then Dr. Ruskin said, “I’m surprised that none of you offered to help, because actually she is my favorite patient. I get immense pleasure from taking care of her and I am learning so much from her. She has taught me a depth of gratitude I never knew before. She has taught me the spirit of unwavering trust. And she has taught me the power of unconditional love.” Then Dr. Ruskin said, “Let me show you her picture.” He pulled out the picture and passed it around. It was the photo of his baby daughter.

I like that story for several reasons… In our text today we find Mary and Joseph carrying their infant child from Bethlehem to Jerusalem. When they arrive at the temple they find, as with the case today…. People want to hold the new baby… babies just beg to be held… so I’m sure when Simeon greeted them his arms were out…. Asking to hold their new child. They obliged.

What a joy it is to hold a newborn baby. I was working on our family history album and found a photo of my wife, holding in her arms our first grandchild. There are many more photos of us holding our grandchildren in our arms. Everyone of them has the adoring grandparents smiling, looking into the face of the new infant. In that moment you realize that a new generation has arrived. It is hard to describe the emotions of holding your first grandchild.

One’s thoughts are often private. But you realize that there is a future they will live and experience. And you will not. I can see the old man Simeon, with his wrinkled face and hands taking this baby in his arms and looking into the very eyes of the long-promised Messiah. His prophecy told of the future hope he had, a hope God would bring salvation and redemption to reality through the child in his arms.

Simeon and Anna both lived to an old age but they never lost hope in God. They waited patiently for the Messiah, devoted themselves to the worship of God. The Temple became their home away from home. Their hope in God was rewarded when Mary and Joseph entered the temple. They had come as good Jewish parents to offer the required sacrifice that dedicated their son to the Lord.

For Mary and Joseph the appearance of Simeon and Anna brought an unusual and unexpected message about the future of their child.

There is something comforting about the many characters in the Christian story of which we know very little. However “insignificant” their lives were to society, they have been captured in the pages of history as people worth remembering, people who had a role in the story of the God man on earth, people remembered by God. We know very little about the man named Simeon, but we know he was in the temple when he realized that God had remembered him. Reaching for the baby in the arms of a young girl, Simeon was moved to praise the Lord.

Here are some questions I have.

1. What was God’s promise to Simeon? That one is easily answered. God promised him that he would not die until he saw the Messiah.

2. How old was Simeon when God made the first promise? Was he 30 or 70?

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