
Summary: The believer family’s greatest hope is found when they are walking with God.

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Hope For the Family In Crisis

(Key thoughts from George W. Truett’s sermon "The Spiritual Recovery of the Home."

Genesis 35:1-4

April 15, 2007 Part 1 of 2

Chester First Baptist Church, Chester, Illinois Dr. Mike Fogerson, Pastor


A Two small kids 4-9, talked their mother into getting a hamster and mother relented under the condition that they would take care of the little hamster that the two kids named Danny.

1 After 2 months it was only mom taking carry of Danny and she decided that the hamster had to find a new home.

a Kids, Danny is too much work and he’s got to find another home.

b The kids said, "He’s been here a long time, Mom. What if he just ate less?"

aa Mom was adamant, "Danny has got to find a new home."

bb Danny? We thought you said DADDY.

2 That night when Daddy was coming home, the hamster-less 9 year old was sitting sadly on the steps when Dad asked him, "What’s wrong, sport?"

a The boy replied, "Just between you and me, Dad . . . I’m not getting along with your wife."

b Before God established Abrahamic covenant, Mosaic law, Davidic Covenant, Temple, Sacrificial System, Cross, Church . . . He established the home, family.

B Jacob’s family was a family in crisis.

1 You might remember Jacob from such bible stories as Joseph and the coat of many colors, the great love story of Jacob and Rachael, and wrestling with an angel.

a You may also remember him from the story about the ladder reaching up to heaven.

aa He had a huge fight with his brother Esau and then fled.

bb God came to him in a dream while he’s fleeding.

cc Gen. 28:11-13 Dream

dd Gen. 28: 14-18 Waking up

ee Gen. 28:20-22 Vow

b The vow consisted of three promises:

aa To acknowledge Yahweh as his God.

bb Set up an alter where he’ll talk with God

cc Give a tithe to God

c For the next nearly 30 years, he seemingly forgets all about this night.

aa His life hits the skids and God comes to him again in the area of Shechem.

bb Gen. 35:1-4

2 When Jacob’s family went through their roughest times he lead them back to God for their greatest strength. (ETS)

a The believer’s family’s greatest hope is always found when they are walking with God. (ESS)

b I pray you’ll make time to claim the hope God wants to give your family. (Obj.)

3 When will you seek God’s hope (the only hope) for your family? (Probing Question)

a Let’s look at four times that can help us determine when we’ll seek the hope that only God can give to our families. (Transitional Sentence)

b Pray

I There comes a time when most every family comes to a crisis.

A Jacob’s family, although they were from good stock, had their share of misery, crisis, and tears.

1 Jacob grew up in a some what dysfunctional family.

a Isaac was his daddy and dad loved Jacob’s older brother (Esau) more: Rebekah was Jacob’s mom and Jake was mom’s favorite.

aa Jacob cheated his brother out of some inheritance and when he found out he said, "Jacob, when daddy passes there’s going to be two funerals. One for him and the other for you."

bb Jacob flee’s and doesn’t talk to his brother for over 20 years.

b It was while Jacob was running from this crisis that God spoke to him in a dream (ladder, angels) at Bethel.

2 Jacob’s heartache continues after Bethel.

a Play’s out in his marriages in the form of jealousy; relationship with Ladan (his father-in-law) who wanted him dead.

b Plays out with his kids.

aa Has trouble with his oldest son, Reuben, and his other boys.

bb His daughter Dinah gets raped by the princes son, Shechum.

cc His two boys, Simeon & Levi, take revenge for the rape by killing every man in the city.

dd Gen. 34:30-31

c Jacob’s family was a mess. In crisis.

B Everyone one of us knows about family problems and can relate with at least one of Jacob’s situations.

1 We understand having trouble with parents, siblings, spouses, in-laws, and with our kids.

a Families have known crisis from the garden to now.

b None of us come from the homes of Ward & June Cleaver or Ozzie & Harriet Nelson. (They’re not real!)

2 If you’re married, you know what’s it like to have a spouse that is consistently wrong; Parents know what’s like to have kids that disappoint you on occasions; Young people you know what it’s like to have parents who let you down on occasions too; Siblings who make you wish you born an only child.

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