Honring The Workers
Contributed by Brad Rigney on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is a good one for Labor Day as well as reminding the church body of the need for all of us to do our part in the ministries of the church.
Honoring the Worker
Ephesians 4:11-16
A. As we celebrate Labor Day this weekend it is important to Honor Workers in our Community.
What different occupations do we have represented here today?
B. Now why is it important to Honor Workers?
- Imagine what life would be like if we didn’t have people like you were not there to do the work that you do!
- our Community would be limited, hindered without people working in the different occupations.
C. Scripture speaks a lot about Working and Workers:
- Gen. 1-2, Ex. 20; just like God we are called to Rest from work as a Sabbath.
- Ecc. 5:18-19; “The I realized that it is good and proper for a man… to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God ha given him – for this his lot. Moreover, when God … enables him to accept his lot and be happy in his work – this is a gift of God.”
- Col. 3:23; “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”
- 2Thess. 3:10; “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”
- Luke 10:7; “the worker deserves his wages.”
D. Just like a Community – Society needs its people working to benefit the whole, so the Church does too.
So the Lord teaches us about our work in life as well as His call to our Ministry Work in and through the Church.
John 6:27; “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you . On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”
John 9:4; “… we must do the work of Him who sent me. …”
Jer. 48:10; “A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord’s work!...”
Phil. 2:12, “…continue to work out your salvation.”
2Tim. 3:17, the Word of God will equip us for every good work.
Matt. 9:37, “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray for Workers.”
E. Read Eph. 4:1, 11-16
Notice here:
- God not only expects us to be responsible for the talents and abilities that He has blessed us with in the workplace - but He also gifts us in ways that we are called to serve in Ministry, vs. 1 “Live up to the calling you have received.”
- Vs. 12 – Notice that the Ministry is to be done by all of God’s people – in fact, from vs. 11, the role of those gifted as pastor-teachers are to prepare God’s people to do works of Service (ministry). You don’t hire pastors to do the ministry, you hire pastors to equip God’s people for ministry.
- Notice the Reasons why:
• Vs. 12; so that the Body of Christ may be built up. This reflects both numerical growth as well as spiritual growth – see vs. 16 “built up in love – as each part does it’ work.”
• Vs. 13; we all reach unity in the faith. Unity is more readily produced as all of us are part of the work. There are no spiritual gifts of Critics, complainer, etc. Unity is a gift of God as we seek to Honor Him by serving His purposes of Making Disciples and serving with every gift He has blessed us in and through the church body to succeed at what He has called us to as His Church! Unity is hindered if too few are doing all the work. See Vs. 16
• Vs. 13; become Mature – ILL. Vs. 14 infants tossed like waves of the sea, blown by the wind – led astray by deceitful teachings of men.
• Vs. 15 – Example of mature = Grow up into Him (Christ). Who is the head of the church.
• Vs. 13; attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Could it be that if we are not all serving the Lord with our gifts through the Church, that we are only able to experience part of Christ – a limited measure of our Lord?
• Yet notice the Condition of this Growth, Unity, Maturity, fullness of Christ – vs. 16…. As each part does its WORK!
A. People often asks questions like:
* How can our church grow with more people, new people in Christ?
* How can some Christians in the church grow in their faith?
* How can a church be more unified?
* How can all of us experience God more in the church today?
The Answer: When the Church – God’s People seek the Purpose of God (Make Disciples of all peoples), the Priorities of Ministry of equipping and serving, and the Persons of Ministry (all God’s people are doing their part according to their gifts).