
Honoring Our Mothers: A Divine Command

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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We are commanded to honor our fathers and our mothers. This is not an option. Jesus honored his mother Mary, who is a wonderful role model for all mothers. The mother of Jesus experienced unhappiness on several occasions but she is 'blessed among women'


I recently came across a humorous job description for mothers, highlighting the challenging and demanding nature of their role. While it may be lighthearted, it reflects the immense responsibility and selflessness required of mothers. Today, we will explore the importance of mothers and the commandment to honor them. We will also reflect on the example of Mary, the mother of Jesus, who serves as a role model for all mothers.


Exodus 20:12 (NIV)

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

The Role of Mothers

Mothers play a vital role in our lives. They are there to support us, guide us, and love us unconditionally. However, it is important to remember that there comes a time when children must become independent and establish their own lives. This does not mean cutting ties with their parents but rather standing on their own feet while still valuing their parents' support.

The Commandment to Honor

The commandment to honor our parents is not optional; it is a divine instruction. Breaking this commandment carried severe consequences in ancient times. Leviticus 20:9 states that anyone who curses their mother or father must be put to death. Forgiveness and second chances were not offered in this context. This demonstrates the seriousness with which God views the parent-child relationship.

The Consequences of Dishonoring Parents

Deuteronomy 21:18 and 27:16 emphasize the importance of honoring parents. A son who brings dishonor or disgrace upon his mother or father is to be publicly cursed. Proverbs 10:1 further illustrates that a foolish son brings grief to his mother. Clearly, God takes the role of parenting seriously, as evidenced by the repetition of the commandment to honor parents in various biblical passages.

Jesus and His Mother Mary

Jesus, in His earthly life, demonstrated obedience to His heavenly Father's will. This sometimes caused grief to His mother, Mary. In Luke 2, we see Jesus causing concern when He remained in the temple while His parents searched for Him. Mary expressed her worry, and Jesus explained that He was fulfilling His divine purpose. Although Jesus' actions may have caused temporary distress, He always acted in accordance with God's plan.

In Matthew 12, Jesus again appeared to disregard His mother when she sought to speak with Him. However, Jesus used this opportunity to teach a valuable lesson. He emphasized that those who do the will of His heavenly Father are considered His family. This statement was not meant to belittle His earthly family but to highlight the importance of spiritual kinship.

Jesus' Love for His Mother

Even in His final moments on the cross, Jesus demonstrated His love for His mother. In John 19:25-27, Jesus entrusted the care of His mother to the disciple John. This act of love ensured that Mary would be taken care of and honored as if she were John's own mother. Jesus' actions exemplify the importance of caring for and honoring our parents.

The Example of Mary

Mary, as the mother of Jesus, holds a special place in Christian tradition. While we should venerate her as a role model, it is essential to remember that worship and prayer should be directed solely to God. Mary's obedience and faithfulness are commendable, as seen in her response to the angel Gabriel's message in Luke 1:38: "I am the Lord's servant... May your word to me be fulfilled."

Appreciating Mothers

Today, we express our gratitude to God for our mothers and their invaluable contributions to our lives. If we are fortunate enough to still have our mothers with us, let us show them our love and appreciation. Let us care for them in their old age, just as they cared for us in our infancy. We also acknowledge the countless Christian mothers who have faithfully passed down the Gospel through their teachings, prayers, and examples.


As we reflect on the commandment to honor our parents, let us remember the significance of mothers in our lives. Just as Jesus honored His mother, Mary, we are called to honor and respect our own mothers. May we appreciate their love, sacrifice, and guidance. And may we also honor our spiritual mother, the Church, by serving and supporting it. Let us give thanks to God for His grace and the gift of motherhood. Amen.

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