
Summary: Jesus deal with home-town folk and delivers a startling message.

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• There is an unwritten "rule" that exists in ministry. It’s a "rule" most ministers recognize. The rule: "Never return as pastor to your childhood church." So often going back home just won’t work, because folk in your childhood church often know you too well to ever accept you as their pastor.

• In the 17th century, a writer, Matthew Henry, commented: "...ministers are seldom so acceptable and successful in their own country as among strangers; familiarity in the younger years breeds a contempt, and the advancement of one felt an inferior begets envy."

• This was even true with Jesus. Let's look at his Class Reunion, or homecoming.

Mar 6:1 He went away from there and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him.

• Nazareth, the town where Jesus was raised after His family moved back from Egypt.

• There, Joseph set up his business, working with wood.

• He was not a home builder, but more of a furniture and tool builder.

Mar 6:2 And on the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished, saying, "Where did this man get these things? What is the wisdom given to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands?

Mar 6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?" And they took offense at him.

• Jesus left Nazareth as a carpenter, but came back as a traveling Rabbi with students and a following.

• Why did the people take offense?

• First, they were confused about His doctrines.

• “Where did this man get these things?”

• Other places were amazed that He didn't teach as the other traveling Rabbis but as one having authority.

• Second, they were confused by His wisdom. “What is the wisdom...”

• The indication is that they had issues with some of His sayings so they questioned Him.

• His answers were swift and reasonable, not something they could easily argue with.

• Third about His sudden gifts of miracles. “How are such mighty works done....”

• Jesus had lived with them twenty-five plus years and they didn't recall Him doing miracles.

• I can assume, and you may join me, that Jesus live an unassuming quiet life.

• This passage answers questions for me whether Jesus went about as a youth doing miracles.

• No, He was just a hometown boy no one expected to rise above the carpentry shop.

• “Isn't this the carpenter?”, they ask?

• They didn't ask if He was the carpenter's son.

• He had assumed the occupation of His earthly dad, quietly, as early as he could carry a hammer.

• Fourth, they were amazed by his heritage.

• “Isn't this Mary's son, and we know His brothers and sisters?”

• This was probably even said in a derogatory way.

• People were not referred to by their mothers in those days.

• To do so may have indicated that they always suspected something fishy about His birth.

• No doubt, He probably didn't look a bit like Joseph.

• The sum of these amazements was not acceptance or marvel, but rejection.

• They were offended by Him.

• Hometown boy was the last one to be expected to rise above His History, Heritage and Home.

• Jesus pulls out an old proverb to emphasize the point.

Mar 6:4 And Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household."

• I find it interesting that Jesus begins with the home town, then the extended family (relatives), and then the household.

• I believe He is saying, the closer one get's back home, the less serious He is taken.

Mar 6:5 And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them.

• One of the saddest verses in the Bible.

• The issue isn't that Jesus did not have the power to do mighty works.

• Jesus said “All power is given to me in heaven and earth.”

• The shocking reality is the same as we have discussing for several weeks.

• God honors our right to choose.

• God chose not to violate the system He established.

• Let me point out something I hope we do not miss.

• No might works were performed, but just some healings.

• As we have been mentioning, we tend to look at healings as the most major manifestation of God's power.

• Isn't it interesting that God, in His Holy Word, refers to healings as though they were minor miracles?

• Jesus wants to do something bigger in your life than physical healing and well-being.

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