Holy Spirit:teachings Of Great Men Of The Past
Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Excerpts from the teachings of the great preachers
The Holy Spirit: Teachings of Great Preachers & Teachers of the Past
I. Three Conditions of the Holy Spirit’s Working (F .B. Meyer)
A. Filled [A Sudden Decisive Experience for a Specific Work] (Acts 4:8)
B. Being Filled [The Ongoing Process] (Acts 13:52)
C. Full [The Perpetual Experience] (Acts 6:8)
II. Three Types of Christians (D.L. Moody)
A. Saved & Satisfied (John 3)
B. Water Bubbling Up (John 4)
C. Rivers Flowing Through (John 7)
III. Two Conditions to Living the Spirit-Filled Life (G. Campbell Morgan)
A. Abandonment [’Let Go’-Charles Trumbull]
1. To Purification (Ephesians 4:30, 31)
2. Of Whole Being (Romans 6:13)
B. Abiding (John 15)[’Let God’-Charles Trumbull]
1. Christ Abiding In Us (John 15:4)
2. Christian Abiding In Christ (To abide is to obey-I John 3:24)
IV. Three-Fold Ministry of the Spirit’s Power/Fullness through
the Believer
A. Ministry To Sinner (Acts 1:8)
B. Ministry To Saved (Colossians 3:16,17)
C. Ministry To Self (Ephesians 5:18,19)
V. Descriptions of the Holy Spirit’s Working (Ruth Paxson)
A. Filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) EVENT/Crisis-Pentecost
B. Full of the Spirit (Acts 6:5, 7:55) STATE/Condition-Deacons/Stephen
C. Filled with all the Fullness (Ephesians 3:19)
VI. Yielded Life is the Key to Spirit’s Filling-Yielding (Ruth Paxson)
A. Yielding/Surrendering/Emptying: A Defininte Voluntary Transfer
of Undivided:
1. Possession
2. Control
3. Use of the whole spirit, soul & body from self to Christ
4. Yielding/Surrendering/Emptying: A Definite One Time Act of
the Will (Romans 6:13, 16, 19, 12:1,2)
B. The Yielded Life Waits for Faith to Claim the Fullness of the Spirit
1. Faith Claims the Promises: Christ Lives in Me
(John 14:17, 20, 21, 23, 15:4,5)
2. Faith Claims: I Can Do All Things through Christ
(Philippians 4:4)
3. Faith Claims: Christ in you the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27)
4. Faith Appropriates Christ As Life (Colossians 3:4)
5. Faith Claims the Birthright of the Fullness of the Spirit
in Christ: (Colossians 1:19, 2:9, 10)
6. Faith Doesn’t Wait for Feelings as Proof but Simply
Believes the Facts (John 14:21)
7. Faith Simply Believes & Receives the Fullness Promised
(Luke 24:49; Acts 1: 4,5)
VII. Exploring Power (R.A.Torrey)
*Baptism with the Holy Spirit, filling with the Spirit, gift of the Spirit, poured out, receiving the Holy Spirit,
The Promise of the Father describe one and the same experience in
the New Testament.
A. Filling is given by God for Service: Preaching,
Teaching, Witnessing, Ministry Power (Acts 2,4,7)
B. His Seven Steps for Filling:
1. Receiving Christ as Saviour
2. Repentance of sin
3. Open Confession of faith in Christ
4. Full Surrender to Christ
5. Earnest desire for filling
6. Prayer for it
7. Faith acceptance
(Acts 2:38, 5:32; John 7:37-39; Luke 11:13; Mark 11:24)
VIII. Filling of the Holy Spirit (Kenneth Wuest-Renowned Greek Scholar)
A. Desiring/Thirsting is the First Necessity for Filling
(Matthew 5:6; John 7:37-39)
1. Desire that Holy Spirit will judge sin in our lives
2. Desire that Holy Spirit put sin out of our lives & keep it out
3. Desire that Holy Spirit separate us from all worldly ties
4. Desire that Holy Spirit dethrone self-life and enthrone
the Lord Jesus as absolute Lord & Master
5. Desire that Holy Spirit produce in us His Fruit
6. Desire that Holy Spirit make us Christ-like
7. Desire that Holy Spirit lead and teach us
B. Trusting/Believing is the Second Necessity for Filling
(John 7:37-39)
1. Trusting in the Lord Jesus as the One Who fills with the
Holy Spirit
2. Trusting in the Lord Jesus for Sanctification by Faith
3. Trusting in the Lord Jesus continually for the Holy Spirit’s
4. Trusting in the Lord Jesus to produce the Fruit of the
Spirit by faith
C. Characteristics of the Spirit-Controlled Christian
1. A Conscience sensitive to the slightest sin
2. The Enthronement of the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord of your Life