
Summary: When God gives a promise or a word, and when situations becomes completely opposite (to God’s promise) and very difficult, but there is joy that God will surely fulfil it, this is Holy Spirit-filled (or given) faith. Faith is reflected or manifested as joy.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

When God gives a promise or a word, and when situations becomes completely opposite (to God’s promise) and very difficult, but there is joy that God will surely fulfil it, this is Holy Spirit-filled (or given) faith. Faith is reflected or manifested as joy. The greater the possibility that the promise will not happen or be fulfilled, the more greater is the joy that God will surely do it. This joy that God will surely do it is given by the Holy Spirit. This kind of faith or joy is opposite to world’s way. In world’s way, we see things happen on the outside. Holy Spirit-filled faith is that even if nothing happens on the outside, there is a joy in your heart that God will surely do it. People will be filled with God's overflowing joy and peace as a result of such faith.

There are no signs of depression, but plenty of signs of peace and rest with such faith. Even if outside things are depressing, but they are at peace. This faith or joy cannot be manufactured; it comes only from God. This kind of faith comes only with the help of Holy Spirit, which is contrary to the world. Holy Spirit filled faith or joy will sustain you through the waiting period and make you joyful to face the difficulties for the promise. Many saints in the Bible faced many deadly persecutions with joy because of the great promise ahead of them and the Holy Spirit's given joy or faith.

These days many people have great promises from God, but there is no Holy Spirit filled joy or faith to sustain them through the waiting period. Without the Holy Spirit filled faith or joy, it is very difficult to survive the waiting period and we will be worn out. If God has made a promise, ask the Lord to give you Holy Spirit-filled faith or joy to sustain you through the waiting period. The joy or faith which is given by the Holy Spirit is completely different from the world and cannot be manufactured.

Only those people who have experienced the Holy Spirit filled faith can understand this joy. It is not built on any earthly foundation or hope, but on Christ, our solid rock. It's a joy that reminds us that God is far greater than the promise. This joy suppresses the negative thoughts concerning the promise's fulfilment.

It takes its roots in God's word, and reaches out only to Jesus for help. It’s not based on worldly seasons or timings but on God’s times and seasons. This faith or joy cannot be earned; it is freely given by God. It can save you from lot of health problems, pressures and wastage of time. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you this faith or joy which is needed to sustain you through your waiting period.

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