
Summary: Understanding the link between the Word of God, the promises of God and the hand of God.

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One of the ways young children communicate with their parents and other adults before they can talk properly is by using their hands. A child can hold you by the hand and get you to do what he or she wants. For instance, my two year old daughter when she wants to drink water takes me by the hand to the water dispenser. When she wants a toy, she takes me to the cupboard where her toys are kept and points to the toy she wants.

We as God’s children can’t see God’s hand physically to get Him to do what we want, but just like a little child can hold the parent by the hand to get the parent to do something for him or her, we can hold God by His Word and get Him our dear Father in Heaven to act on our behalf or intervene in a situation (Hebrews 4:12).


There is a very strong connection between the promises of God, the Word of God and the hand of God.

All the promises of God are contained in the Word of God. It is the Word of God that reveals what God has promised us; what God wants to give us, what God wants to do for us. The Word is a written promise to us from God. In His Word, God has put down several promises in writing. He has put it in writing a promise to protect us, deliver us when we are in trouble, help us when we call on Him, provide for us, empower us, fill us with the Holy Spirit, give us peace and so many other wonderful promises. Without the Word of God, you can’t know the promises of God (Romans 1:2). There are great things God wants to do in our lives, great and precious things God has promised us which are all contained in the Word of God ( 2 Peter 1:3-4).

One of the requirements of a legally binding document is that it has to be put in writing and signed by the parties concerned. God has put His promises to us in writing in His Word. He also signed it by a blood sealed covenant; the blood of His Son Jesus Christ (Hebrews 6:16-20).

A promise of God is fulfilled, when the hand of God moves. Whenever the hand of God is moving, promises of God are being fulfilled, they are being brought into manifestation. Psalm 89:13 tells us that the hand of God is very strong and endued with power. When that strong hand of God moves, it is to do what He has promised in His Word. For example, God has promised to guide us, it is with His hand that He guides and leads us (Psalm 139:10, Psalm 23:2). He has promised to protect us, it is with His hand that He shields and protects us (Psalm 138:7). There are so many other Bible passages like this where you see God using His hand to fulfill a promise He has given. My prayer is that the strong and mighty hand of God will rest upon you and move in your life and situation to bring about the fulfillment and manifestation of the promises of God.


God wants us to have so much confidence in His Word. If one of the well known multi-millionaires should promise you that He will give you a job next week Monday or He will give you $10,000, you won’t be so troubled and doubt His ability to fulfill this promise because you know He has the resources and abilities at his disposable to fulfill this promise. So in your mind you have this confidence that come next week, you would have a job or have $10,000.

Hebrews 4:16 talks about approaching God with confidence. It is what God has promised us in His Word that gives us the boldness and confidence to approach Him and ask Him for certain things. Whatever God has promised us in His Word, we can be convinced and assured He will do what He has promised because:

1.God places a very high value on His Word – Psalm 138:2. For God not to do what is in His Word means that He is a liar; He doesn’t have integrity. But that isn’t true of God. He never lies (Numbers 23:19). He doesn’t joke with His Word. He doesn’t give flimsy excuses for not doing what He promised like we often do. To go against His word is to put His name at stake.

2.His Word does not fail – Isaiah 55:10-11. It always accomplishes what it is sent to do. It always results in divine promises being fulfilled.

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