Hold On
Contributed by Darren Sirmans on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: If you're willing to hold on to Jesus, your life will change.
Read: 2king 8:7- 12
Saints, our enemy wants to set our strong holds on fire, a discourager: don’t let go of Jesus
The wealth over nations, Sardis had it… Hold on
Way down in the valley, I heard a great noise, a mountain, and it was having an eruption
It is so loud. Until it could be a different drummer, earshot, a sense of hearing, a try out, he knows it.
God knows the right beat to capture his attention
When I think about danger, I think about the pressure that is underneath Hazel, and all the capabilities that he has of wiping out colonies of people. It has happen before, and it will happen again
Hold on, to his faith, the capital of Lydia; their economy is at a decrease
No matter how fast, we put our hand on the starter, and our feet on the gas, the dispossession is catastrophic. People are running from the truth; so that they want have to fear the future
Where are you going to hide in the safest locking up, a tenacity in a commercial town, want even be enough
Ben-ha-dad is sick, as well as he’s about to die, and it was told him that a man of God was in Damascus verse 7
Elisha took the bribe, and it was ok with the Lord,
The bribe was that God told the man of God, a living word that Ben-ha-dad was going to die, and not recover, but Elisha sends word to Damascus that he would recover
When Elisha tells Hazel the truth, the pressure underneath his feet erupted; the countenance on his face felled
When I was in my early twenties, I was led by the spirit into the wilderness. Everybody that I came in contact with, I told them the same thing, I said “It’s not by chance that we meet today” God has a word for you, but I took the bribe. Instead of telling them you gone die if you stay in that position; I told them all their sickness and diseases are healed. Folks are running around looking for a word from the Lord; I did it for a little while.
Since I see why it is so important to maintain a personal relationship with the Lord, I take loneness, as a opportunity to talk to the Lord. Whereas everybody has left, and gone their separate ways, you cannot let God down by trusting him
When we are alone, that’s the time to fear the Lord, because he can do you like no other can. Being alone is dangerous for a backslider, a disobedient child, because you never know what little thing to hold on too with a strong citadel.
That little thing might be you, because you gave your life, so the many of them gave their to Jesus too
To do good for God is not in vain, a waste or erosion. Although you’re losing things, and life don’t seem to be dealing out a fair hand, you got to continue to walk in love, not the love of the world, but the love of God
Get you a toehold, a bear hug, an iron grip on Jesus and don’t let go
Hold on, when you want resignation about Godliness
Hold on, when you want to surrender
Hold on; when you’re thinking about letting go
Hold on, when you done built up on his faith, and your weakness causing disposal
Hold on, when you’re wearing away
Hold on, when you have contributions in evil works
Hold on, if your grant is not right with God, don’t let that stop his faith, an accommodation of your time
Hold on, after others have rush you
Hold on, if love has pierced your heart by a crippling attack
Hold on, even though your defense has broken down, and the pressure of the world caused it
God knows the right beat to capture your attention. You got to know this with all your heart that no matter how fast we move; there is no escape from God. When life don’t seem to deal a fair hand; you might be taking a test of faith to see if it’s real, be happy.
Your tears from hardship, a struggle with pain, I want you to know there is much to gain. You are going to gain victory. You are going to gain a new attitude, when people see you; they are going say; I see a changed man or woman. If you just hold on, everything gone be all right, because Jesus is alright, God said it.
There is no other side to the story; the story is already told. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Be free while you carry your cross, because the Lord is on your side. The Lord is working things out when we don’t even know it. Our God is a mighty God, Hold on to this thought since it’s a good thought.