His Sweeping Excellence-1
Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 1 of 3. Hebrews divulges the sweeping excellence of Jesus’ ministry(High Priesthood) as confirmed thru the New Covenant. How is the sweeping excellence of Jesus’ High Priesthood confirmed? Confirming the sweeping excellence of Jesus’ priesthood is...
Hebrews divulges the sweeping excellence of Jesus’ ministry(High Priesthood) as confirmed thru the New Covenant.
The sweeping excellence of Jesus’ High Priesthood is confirmed thru the New Covenant.
How is the sweeping excellence of Jesus’ High Priesthood confirmed?
What confirms the sweeping excellence of Jesus’ Priesthood?
5 confirmations of the sweeping excellence of Jesus’ priesthood.
1—Confirming the sweeping excellence of Jesus’ priesthood is...
His SEATING(:1-2)
Explanation: (:1-2)
:1—“Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens,”
“We have such a High Priest”
“...really, the old covenant was based upon a functioning priesthood, & so the new covenant must be based on a functioning priesthood, & if it’s better, then He must be a better priest.—John MacArthur
Such as what? All previous discussion from 4:14!
As One Who tempted as we are, sympathizes with our weaknesses;
As One Who offers mercy 7 grace to help in our need;
As One Who did not glorify Himself to become High Priest but was designated by God, His Father;
As One Who was perfected thru obedience by suffering;
As One Who became the author of eternal salvation;
As One in Whom we can place all hope;
As One Whose high priesthood was confirmed with an oath from God Himself;
As One Whose high priesthood was based on personal superiority rather than familial kinship;
As One Whose priesthood is eternal rather than finite;
As One Whose priesthood offers one sacrifice for all mankind for one time;
As One Whose priesthood is purely perfect;
As One Whose priesthood is executed in the very presence of God in heaven itself;
As One Whose priesthood saves absolutely putting us in right standing before a righteous, holy God;
As One Whose priesthood is far superior in every aspect to that which is outmoded by it.
“...who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens,”
The writer has been arguing a point & what follows is the focal point of that argument. The main fact is that “we”(those who are of Jewish extraction or at least of Jewish persuasion) have a perfect priesthood available to us now. This perfect High Priest is currently seated “at the right hand of the throne” of the very One who’s description suffices for His proper name.
To be “seated” at the right hand of the throne is to indeed rule, yet ruling in acknowledgement of the design & desire of said Majesty.
“...there were always two scribes before the judges of the Sanhedrin. One ...sat on the right hand, & the other ... on the left hand. And it was always the business....of the scribe who sat on the right hand to write the acquittals. And it was always the business of the scribe on the left hand to write the condemnations.”—John MacArthur
Acts 7:55—“...every time one of His own gets into trouble, He stands up, because He has something to do. His power & His energy is activated in the behalf of His own. That’s His mediator’s work. He is seated in His redemptive work. He is active as our mediator.”—John MacArthur
God the Father(Originator & authority) is “the Majesty in the heavens”. Apart from Him there is no Majesty to the heavens.
“The Majesty” is enthroned. Thus He reigns with absolute authority “in the heavens.”
Thus the author impresses upon us that “High Priest”(Jesus) is Himself divine & is the actual fulfillment of God’s design for mankind.”
“High Priest”—“He above all others was honored with the title of priest, the chief of priests. It was lawful for him to perform the common duties of the priesthood; but his chief duty was, once a year on the day of atonement, to enter into the Holy of Holies (from which the other priests were excluded) & offer sacrifices for his own sins & the sins of the people, & to preside over the Sanhedrin, or Supreme Council, when convened for judicial deliberations. According to Mosaic law, no one could aspire to the high priesthood unless he were of the tribe of Aaron & descended from a high priestly family; & he on whom the office was conferred held it till death.’—Thayer
“Seated”—kayizw—1) To make to sit down—1a) To set, appoint, to confer a kingdom on one: 2) intransitively—2a) To sit down, 2b) To sit—2b1)To have fixed one’s abode, 2b2) To sojourn, to settle, settle down.
“Right hand”—dexiov—The right, right hand; A place of honor or authority.
“Majesty”—megalwsunh—Majesty(of God). From —megav—meaning....Great, splendid, stately
—2nd time the author has referred to God in terms of “Majesty”(see 1:3).
—Used 3X & Only once outside of Hebrews—Jude 1:25—“To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory & majesty, Dominion & power, Both now & forever. Amen.”