
Summary: All those who struggle with their faith and their works, the struggle is over

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Romans 5: 1

Deuteronomy 32: 20

Today, I pulled praises out of the minds of what people think about me; I’m pulling his praises out daily. I praised God for all the praises that he has given me to praise him with. I want be shame when he draws all the praises that he wants out of me for God, there’s nothing to be shame of because his praises don’t run out. They didn’t run out when he feed the multitude with two fish and five barley loaves of bread. His praises didn’t run out when he said it is finish, and he dropped his head in death.

His praises didn’t run out when the roman soldier smite him on his cheek. He has too much of it - for it to run out, so he’s not going to put know more on us than we can bear. It was time for me to do what I wanted to do – go to Capernaum and hang out, but I did what he wanted me to do. I praised the lord with all my heart, and he justified it. Know body freshens up by faith unless they have already gone through faith and made it to the next level.

Now, the next level is when we operate by faith imitating the things he did. You’ll know it’s not me or you - do you know of someone operating by faith and if you do, you probably will never know what they had to go through to get there unless they tell you. There’s a big difference when we go through faith, because we’re learning about God. When we mature by faith, it’s tuned in to the lord with suffering for all that he is. Jesus is our salvation, and it doesn’t matter where you are when he shows up.

Pastor Jesus comes on our side of the porch to support us until we’re tired of being beaten down by sin. This is when he shows us how to walk by faith. Don’t wait for God to ask for permission; God shouldn’t wait outside until we let him in although he can come in any time the moment is right for him, and our houses are not always clean. Some of us are dirty because we’re trying to make it through faith, and you can do this if you don’t give up.

“Be strong in the lord and in the power of his might” We can do this by faith. Talking about what God will do for praises. Let your heart check it out, let it check it out on some of that spare time that you might have for him. He’ll show you how to walk by faith. Did you know if we watched out for faith like we watch out for other things; we’re be trained through faith to look for hope in others. And you’ll see it clearly. Don’t get angry at others because they are angry at you because they see Jesus in you.

Backsliding will make you and I do the same things. In this scenario, all that you hope for in others believe on in Christ Jesus through a commitment that you made about his faith. Jesus says my people know my voice and a stranger they will not follow. We got to be careful who we commit too. If you find yourself bowing down to others, that’s a sign that you need Jesus to make you solid as a rock. The more people in this world that do what is hoped for in Jesus, the more of his chosen ones are revealed because time is like a blanket being rolled back from over the church not only there but everywhere, and we have a better chance at finding peace, that’s why we got to hope for things.

God is a spirit, that’s only a sign about us that we have evidence of works. It’s better not to hope for people to do what Jesus did because more people do what is expected of others more than they do what is expected of them by God, so make sure you have the right kind of hope. Yes! He waits for us while we’re coming through faith so he can be by us if we make it to the end. God wants to be close to us. And it doesn’t matter how small your faith is; it can be like a grain of a mustard seed, and Jesus see’s your faith; he see’s all things, and he rejoices over it.

All through the bible, Jesus see’s faith and reacts on whosoever’s life torn down by sin, and he restores it. When Jesus saw their faith, their works made it look like, that’s all they need but really it’s both faith and works mixed together. I believe all of us are busy doing the work of God, how can we not do something for God, how can we fail to understand that God is in control of everything. Whatever we do through faith and by faith he knows about it.

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