
Summary: Integrity is not situational; it is a lifestyle.

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When we think of people with integrity, we think of those who are honest—individuals whose words and actions align. We think of someone who is dependable, someone who follows through on their commitments,

AND we think of someone who does what is right even when no one is watching. Integrity is not situational; it is a lifestyle.

A person of integrity is someone who does not crack under pressure—he is someone who refuses to compromise their values for convenience, popularity, or personal gain. Their word is their bond; if they say they will do something, they do it.

They don’t make excuses, shift blame, or cut corners.

They are consistent in character, not just when things are easy, but even when things are hard.

Integrity means walking the walk and talking the talk. It’s not just about professing faith—it’s about living it.

It’s about being the same person in private as you are in public.

Look to your neighbor as ask, can I count on you? Maasahan ba kita?

One of the most powerful examples of unwavering integrity in the Bible is Job. In JOB 1:1 it says He was a man blameless and upright (Job 1:1), who feared God and shunned evil. Job’s integrity was not just in words—it was tested in the most extreme circumstances.

Satan accused Job of being faithful only because he was blessed. But when Job lost everything—his wealth, his children, and even his health—he refused to curse God or turn away from righteousness.

Job 2:9-10

“His wife said to him, ‘Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!’ But he replied, ‘You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?’ In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.”

Even in suffering, Job remained faithful. He could have turned his back on God. He could have compromised. But he chose to honor God in his pain, proving that integrity is not based on circumstances—it is a deep-rooted commitment to the truths of GODs

Let me tell you a story. A few years ago, a young man and his date, goes through a drive thru restaurant and orders a bucket of chicken. They were planning to go on a road trip and so in the car the woman he was with, his date, opened the takeout box and found out that it wasn’t chicken inside of it but bundles of cash, the man saw this and realized that, the person who handed him the pack gave him the store collection for the day instead of their order and so he quickly decided to drive back to the restaurant to return it. Now to tell you frankly, I dont think many people would do this, in fact, probably some people would instead, take the money, go to another drive thru and order there, with lots more cash to pocket right.

But see this guy was different,. he finally reaches the restaurant and he and his date walk to the manager and explain to him what happened and to the Managers elation, they returned the cash untouched! The store manager was so pleased that He asked if they can take a selfie with them and get their information so that he can post it on social media and commend the guy and the girl for their integrity. He even told them that he will inform the restaurant chain about their gracious act so they can get big discounts in their future visits. BUT the guy immediately said NO! No, please no. He’s not the type and insisted NOT to post any photos, or his information or the girls information either. The manager was humbled by this gesture and thanked both of them for their integrity.

As the couple left the restaurant, the girl turned to the man and said, oh wow, that was a close call. Imagine if they had posted that on social media, your wife would have found out about us and all hell would have broken loose.

What started out as a seemingly honest gesture, is wrapped around in a sea of lies.

Integrity my dear brothers and sisters is not based on circumstance, it’s a lifestyle.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:37 -

But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’

For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”

LET your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’

This means: let your words stand firm; It means, whatever you say - take care to make it good. When you say YES, you say what you mean and MEAN what you say! Hindi ito medyo medyo lang.

“Sabihin ninyo ang ‘oo’ kung oo at ang ‘hindi’ kung hindi, sapagkat anumang lumabis pa rito ay mula sa masama.”

Similarly, when you say NO, it means NO!

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