
Summary: The Lord is there for you.

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Romans 8:31-32:

31) What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32) Truly He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

I have a question, Have you ever felt like some days nothing good ever happens to you? And it seems as though everybody else is getting the blessings that you need. Have you ever said to yourself, why can’t God bless me?

Well I’ve got a news bulletin for you this morning. The feelings of isolation, seclusion, neglect, loneliness, and abandonment that you have faced are nothing more than the enemy trying to bring you down.

Because we have just looked at some powerful words from the scriptures that simply say, “If God be for us, who can be against us.”

And I’ve come out of my prayer closet with a Word of the Lord for someone here this morning, and that is to tell you that no matter how hard some things might look, no matter some hard things might seem, and I don’t care how things my appear you must know that God is on your side. You must be able to say, If God Be, that’s good enough to stop right there. If God be for us, who can be against us?

I believe that God wants to minister to us this morning. To those of us who are wounded, broken and are in a desperate need of God to heal your heart, minister to your pain, and to control your emotions, the Lord is saying that he’s on your side. I know that Satan has been beating on us all week long, and now we come in with a smile that is pasted on our face, but underneath our smiles, we live in pain, and you are wondering if anything is ever going to change. Our minds are in several different places, and our heart has been wounded, our trust levels have expired and some of us up in here and don’t know if they are coming or going. Someone in here is saying Lord if I don’t get some relief, and some help, it almost feel like I’m going to lose my mind.

But before you jump off, give up or give in, I think that I need to let you’ve know, that you have come to the right place this morning, (the devil should’ve stopped you before you got here this morning) because I believe that God is going to meet our needs today. I’m trusting that God is going to break through some of the religious spirits that keep us from receiving from God all that he has for us.

While I’m there let me share with you this morning, that religious spirits will kill you, they will execute you, they will exterminate, eradicate, annihilate, and decimate you. Because these religious spirits has created an atmosphere where we find it hard to believe that God is on our side, because through the eyes of some religions all we see God as, is the terminator or the punisher if we don’t get it right.

We perpetuate that attitude; we say “if you don’t do right, God is going to get you. All we see is watch out, or God will destroy you.”

If all we ever have is a narrow vision of whom God is, we’ll never be able to walk in the fullness of our relationship with Him. I think that we need to talk about this. I think that we need to investigate, and examine this. I think that we need to come to the understanding, and come to grips with ourselves, that God is on our side.

If God be for us, if he has delivered us from the law of sin and death, if he has renewed us by his spirit which dwells within us, then he recognizes us as his children and his heirs, and has predestinated us to holiness and glory, who can be against us? If God’s love has led to all of the good and just specified, what have we to fear for the future? He who spared not his own Son, will freely give us all things.

The text shows us what has been the apostle’s purpose from the beginning of the chapter. He wish to demonstrate that those who comply too the plan of salvation which he taught, and to those who are in Christ Jesus, there is no ground of apprehension; their final salvation is fully secured.

The conclusion of the chapter is a recapitulation of all his former arguments, or rather the reduction of them to one, which comprehends them all in their fullest force; THAT GOD IS FOR US.

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