
Summary: Ministry is essential for each follower of God, and the most urgent ministry is the proclamation of His word.

I. Isaiah Saw

A. He saw the Lord

1. John 12:40-41 – Jesus Glory

2. John 1:18 – No one has seen God, but Jesus makes him known

B. The Attributes of the Lord

1. Sitting on a throne

a. Matt 25:31

2. High and Lifted Up

a. Psalm 46:10; Isa 12:4 – His name will be exalted

b. Isaiah 57:15 – What the Individual says

c. Eph 1:20-21 – Christ has been placed as the head of the church

C. Have we truly seen the Lord?

1. We see the Lord through his written word.

2. A revival only comes through the excitement for having Jesus Christ in our lives

a. Isn’t it funny how we get excited about physical things in this world

b. When was the last time you were excited over being saved by the blood of Jesus Christ

c. When is the last time you thought about those dying in sin around you?

3. If a church is going to grow they must come back to their first love!

II. Isaiah Heard

A. Just like all people Isaiah had to here God

1. We hear God through his word

2. We are called by the gospel – 2 Thess. 2:13,14

B. What did Isaiah hear?

1. Holy, Holy, Holy

a. Holy means to separate from something or to be without blemish

b. God is separated from us because of his purity and our sinfulness

2. It is no wonder Isaiah right after this though of his sin problem

C. Why did Isaiah hear?

1. He was listening to God.

2. He was talking to God

3. Prayer????

D. How important should prayer be to us?

1. Should it be number 1 on a scale of 1 to 10

a. Matt 5:44 - Pray for your enemies

b. Luke 18:1 - They should always pray

c. I Th 5:17 – Pray continuously

2. Do we really have to pray every day?

a. 1 Th 5:17

b. Jas 5:16 – pray for each other

c. Acts 6:4 – their attention was put on prayer

3. Why does god find this so important?

a. It will heal the sick if done in faith - Jas 5:15

b. It is our daily communication with the Father

c. Have you tried just to talk with your wife or husband just once or twice a week

III. Isaiah Felt

A. Woe is me

1. Moses, Gideon and Job all felt guilty over their sins after seeing God

2. Luke 5:5-9

a. Simon Peter’s doubt caused him to realize God’s awesome power

b. Simon Peter called himself a sinful man for doubting

3. Isaiah first saw that he was unclean in the sight of the Lord

B. Isaiah felt the needs of those around him

1. Isaiah saw sinners

2. He was burdened by their guilt and sin

3. Jesus wept over the city – Luke 19:41-44

C. Isaiah also felt his cleansing

1. Freed from his burden of sin

2. We also feel the relief of our burden of sin at baptism

3. When grace stops being amazing

a. We stop worrying about our souls

b. We begin to be more concerned over worldly things

c. Our fire begins to burn low

d. Ultimately, we forget about the lost around us

D. The church is a hospital of sinners

1. It will always have major and minor problems

2. A hospital can only help the sick

3. Jesus called the church to be a hospital for sinners

IV. Isaiah said and did

A. Here am I send me!

1. How bold is that

2. Are you ready to tell God, “Here am I send me!”?

3. We are called to spread the gospel

a. Matt 28; Mk 16; Lk 24

b. So guess what God has asked. “Whom shall I send?”

B. For how long? – Forever

1. Until Jesus returns the Gospel needs to be spread

2. The harvest is plentiful – Matt 9:37

3. The Gospel must be preached – Mk 13:10

V. Conclusion

A. Isaiah saw, heard, felt, and did

B. When seeing God he reacted as a sinner and was cleansed by God

C. Then Isaiah became God’s servant for eternity

D. When we truly see what God has done for us we will become his eternal servant

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