
Summary: This sermon was preached concerning the direction of our church. It is a plea for workers to get busy for the Lord.

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Sunday Evening November 11, 2001 Bel Aire Baptist Church


Matthew 9:35-38


1. 10 months ago, the Personnel Committee, and I came to the church and said that it was time to bring on a full-time Youth Minister/Associate Pastor. I also remember saying a couple of times that with a big youth ministry came some headaches.

2. I also remember Kevin telling us the week he came in “view of a call” that youth cost money and hard work and he sure hoped that we understood that.

3. Kevin has been here 8 months and God has blessed our church. Now understand, that I am not giving Kevin or anyone else a bunch of credit. I said God has blessed our church. We have experienced growth in all areas of age but especially in the children’s and youth ages.

4. Now I can see how God is working and where God is leading us, but we have a serious problem. Tonight I want to address that problem. I want to then share with you the solutions that God has given me. Next, I will allow you some time to share some solutions that God has given you. Finally, I will issue the challenge that God has placed before us.

I. The Problem

A. Youth And Children’s Groups

1. On Wednesday night we have 1 teacher to every student in our Youth class and our children’s class. Understand this is the lowest ratio. It has been as tough as 1 teacher to 30 students.

2. We are also not able to physically accommodate our youth and children at these facilities. This especially a problem concerning recreational space and yes, recreational space is extremely important to our programs.

3. We also have some internal fighting amongst our children and amongst our youth.

B. Adults

1. The adults all want to be in a class as a student but who is going to teach? The philosophy seems to be, “It’s someone else’s turn”.

2. The attitude concerning space is that we need to make due with what we have and keep doing things the same way. You know the “Just suck it up” theory.

3. Our adults criticize our youth and children’s behavior and yet will not participate in teaching them. Our adults also gossip and fight amongst each other, so what kind of example are we being?

II. Solution (Pastor’s)

A. Youth And Children’s Groups

1. We will cancel R.A.’s and change to a program called “Kid’s On Missions” which will be for boys and girls. We will split the class into 1-2 grades and 3-5 grades. We need at least 1 teacher for the 1-2 grade class and we really need 3 teachers which would give us 2 per class. Shawn and Dalyn will begin to help the youth. That will give 5 youth workers, which will lower our ratio to about 1 teacher to 6 students.

2. The Wednesday Night change will begin November 28th. This next suggestion has not been fined tune but I believe will help our Sunday school. I propose that our Adult 4-6 and Adult 7 classes continue having Sunday school at 9 a.m. I suggest that our youth and children have Sunday school at 6 p.m. There would be an adult Bible Study for all of the adults that are not teaching at 6 p.m. in the Sanctuary. This change will allow us to utilize our physical space better. We will also need at least 4 more children’s or youth teachers. Many of those workers are needed for maintaining a proper environment for learning. At 6:45 p.m. we could all meet in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and cookies.

3. Concerning space on Wednesday nights, the youth will go to the Teen Center. The Teen Center, which normally charges, has allowed Kevin to take the youth there. I believe this adult help will slow down our inner problems.

B. Adults

1. Step up to the plate and help.

2. I want to tell you something we learned this weekend. Rules without relationships equal rebellion. Do you know what this means? I believe if you got to know these youth and children and found out about whom they really are you would really enjoy working with them. Over the last month I had opportunity to work more closely with the youth and I have already grown to love them so much. They need us to care, not to complain.

3. If you are not teaching simply because you want to be in a class, let me know and I will start an adult class on Tuesday Nights. All you have to do is ask.

III. Solutions (Congregational Input)

A. Ground Rules For Discussion:

1. No names.

2. This is not criticism time, this is time for solutions.

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