Help, I Can't Breathe
Contributed by Jonathan Powell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Sermon that challenges believers to look within themselves and make sure that their worship matches their walk
Around the turn of the century, Kathryn Scott sang a song entitled “Breathe”. Here is a taste of some of the lyrics:
“This is the air I breathe, Your Holy presence living in me”
“This is my daily bread, Your very word spoken to me”
“And I I’m desperate for you, and I’m lost without you”
Today, I am preaching on the subject – “Help! I Can’t Breathe!”
“Let everything that hath breath, praise the Lord” – Unfortunately, in today’s church, culture and world, the church is on life support. Christians are barely breathing. Lost folks are smothering.
I believe that we are struggling on the four prongs of worship:
1. Are you desperate to PRAISE God each week/day/minute/second?
Psalm 150:1-5
2. Do you have a hunger for God’s Word?
Psalm 19:7-14
3. Do you have a desire to GIVE back to God as He has blessed you?
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
4. Are you desperate enough to PRAY for your every need?
Philippians 4:6
What holds us back in the Church today?
I. No Relationship with God
- Not Saved
- Name may be on a church roll
- May have a title or a position in church
- Constantly complaining/griping/moaning if things don’t go your way (miserable)
You’re not desperate for God – you’re longing for what you desire
You’re not hungry for God to work – You’re not thirsty to drink of His living water.
You don’t want His church/Kingdom to grow – especially if the people are not like you.
In God’s Word, Matthew 25:31-46 explains this “lack” of a relationship with God
You can’t breathe – You need Jesus
You can’t praise the Lord – because you can’t breathe
II. Saved, but Sin is Present
- You’re a Christian – you know that you are!
o Sin is present in your life
You WILL struggle until you confess and repent
• You will have to reach a point of desperation
o Cry out to God (HELP)
o Ask God to Forgive (HELP)
o Walk away in Repentance (HELP
Isaiah 55:6
Psalm 6
Psalm 124
• After desperation hits – you cry out, and ask for forgiveness, and repent:
o Be hungry for God’s Word
Gives guidance, encouragement, admonishment, provision, protection, providence of God
o Be Thirsty for God
Psalm 42:1-2
Isaiah 55:1-2
Matthew 11:28-30
Note these examples:
Person #1
• People around them are miserable; Misery loves company
• Wear masks to church; Normally look like they’ve lost their best friend
• They want everything to go their way – and if it doesn’t – they’ll do anything to shift the current
o Absence of God’s Will/Direction
o Presence of Self Will/Drive/Determination
“My way or you hit the highway”
Person #2
• Good one minute; On the edge the next
o Ill. Their lives are a constant roller coaster
• Will pray-ask for forgiveness-then fall right back into the sinful pattern
• Represents a majority of the church
o Spiritually weak
Not into the Word of God
Pray only when necessary
Attend Bible Study for the Social Aspect, not for Eternal Impact
III. What would happen if the church could breathe?
• Scripture would be fulfilled
o Change of Atmosphere
o Change of Attitude and Altitude
o Lack of Arrogance
o Look of Amazement
• Souls would be Saved
o There would be no limits placed on God
o There would be an attitude present of: “All Jesus, All the Time”
o There would be unity
• Souls would want to see more souls saved
There’s a wall that has been standing since the day that Adam fell. Sin is where it started, sin is why it held. Speaking as a pris’ner who was there and lived to tell, I remember how it felt. I can hear the sound of freedom, like a distant voice it called and beckoned me to follow where I had never gone. Though my heart was willing I just stood there at the wall, praying somehow it would fall. But in a cross I found the doorway and the hand that held the keys. When the chains fell at my feet for the first time I could see.
This is how it feels to be free, this is what it means to know that I am forgiven. This is how it feels to be free to see that life can be more than I imagined. This is how it feels to be free.
There are days when I’m reminded of the prison I was in, like a living nightmare burning deep within. I can feel the voice of evil, I can hear the call of sin, but I won’t go back again. See, once I tasted freedom and the chains could bind no more, mercy gave me wings to fly, like an eagle I can soar.