
Summary: Christian salvation secures our standing before God and against the devil.

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Ephesians 6.17

Discuss the function of the helmet for a Roman Soldier.

The Roman soldier helmet protects his skull and neck from his enemy’s weapon and from falling debris. Sometimes the soldier will put a sponge inside to serve as padding. In 6:17 Paul quoted Isaiah 59:17.

The soldier’s helmet, made of metal or leather, was designed to protect his head, the most vital part of the body. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan resulted to a number of disabled soldiers. We saw them coming home without legs and arms but to lose one’s head means death. The Bible speaks of salvation as our helmet that we can use to protect our head and neck.

The head is where the brain lies and whoever controls our mind controls us.

What does salvation mean in this verse?

Salvation (soteria) in the New Testament refers to “help and deliverance” through people or circumstances, though it is ultimately deliverance by God. Refers to messianic deliverance from the hands of national enemies (Read Luke 1:71); the redemption of the people from sin (Read Luke 1:77); the deliverance from present distress (Read Philippians 1:19); and in the ultimate sense, deliverance from the decisive final judgment or the eschatological salvation of the whole world. (Read 1 Peter 1:9)

How can we achieve this salvation?

1. Our Savior. (John 3:17; Acts 4:12; Ephesians 1:7-8)

2. Our means. (Romans 1:16-17; Ephesians 1:13-14)

3. Our response. (2 Corinthians 7:10; Acts 16:31)

4. Our assurance. (John 3:16; Romans 8:10-11; 1 John 5:11-13)

What is the significance of the “helmet of salvation” in tackling our spiritual enemy?

The “helmet of salvation” is our assurance of salvation and our eternal security both now and forevermore. An individual, who is not secure in his life here and then, becomes a helpless victim of the devil.

The sense of insecurity is experience in the mind and having one’s head guarded by a helmet of salvation gives a sense of safety. This part of the armor of God addresses the issue of security. An insecure person would always experience spiritual defeat against the devil. As Christians, we need to be reminded of our security and always wear them for protection against the devil.

Insecurity leads to fear, anger, jealousy, social withdrawal, inability to accept compliments, eating disorders, competition, vulnerability, social withdrawal, depression, accentuate the negative, self-neglect, reluctance to take challenges, and reluctance to trust your own opinion.

What are the aspects of our security provided by “the helmet of salvation?”

1. We must be secure in our identity in Christ.

People define their identity in terms of what they do – jobs and profession. Christian should define his or her identify in relation to our status before God.

Children of God (John 1:12-13; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 1:5) God loves us unconditionally – he will not abuse us, not abandon us nor deprive us.

Soldier of Christ (2 Timothy 2:3-4; Ephesians 6:10-11) We have a mission from God and that mission is not to destroy lives but to share life, peace, and love of God.

Ambassador for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:20) We represent God in this world and we share His message to those who seek Him.

Warning: May our knowledge of our identity in Christ spare us from the danger of having spiritual arrogance. Our identity in Christ is the result of God’s graciousness and not our goodness.

As children, soldier, and ambassador we are not always in good standing before God. Some believers are afraid that God would throw them out of the windows of heaven. (Romans 5:8; Hebrews 12:10)

2. We must be secure in our ability in Christ.

One of the significant programs of public school system is the class for gifted students. Though it was not design to discriminate students or categorized them but to provide an environment for advance studies, some feel that this creates a sense of insecurity or low self-esteem to an average or below average students.

Instead of being challenged and motivated, they look at themselves as deficient and left behind. In God’s school programs, everyone is in the gifted class. He gave each of us talents, abilities, and gifts that we can harness and use for His glory and our personal fulfillment. (Romans 12:6-8)

Even in the most difficult assignment, God empowered us to accomplish our task. (Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 12:9) Again, let beware that God’s provision of abilities cause us to be arrogant and proud.

3. We must be secure in our vulnerability before Christ.

We all know that no one is perfect and each is susceptible to sinning. And yet we still set a very high expectation from each other.

Illustration “Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.”

But instead of focusing on the future, some people let their past prevent them from taking off to their new destinations. The devil is so good in reminding us of who we were. And if we are not careful, we would always live in fear and insecurity.

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