
Summary: What is worship?

Topic: Heart of Worship

Text: Psalm 42:1-2

Introduction: The downfall for most of us is that we become too concerned with “church” and not concerned enough with WORSHIP

What is Worship? The word comes from the original word ‘woerth scipe’; it then became ‘worth ship’ and now is simply ‘worship’…and it means simply “something you attribute worth to”

Worshipping God is “attributing worth to God”

There are three characteristics of worship we are going to explore today

I. Desperation for God

A. Knowing you cannot live without God

B. Being desperate when you don’t feel desperate

C. Even when things are not bad, still realizing that you need God

D. Notice in Psalm 42:1 it says, “my soul thirsts for God”

1. Illustration: being in Florida we have our share of hot days. When outside working we get thirsty, and our throats are dry, and we want for the water to come and quench our thirsts.

2. Without God our souls are dry, and are thirsting for God to come and quench the emptiness

II. Humility of Heart

A. Pride is the enemy of Worship

B. If you feel embarrassed to worship, your pride is in control

C. Satan wants your pride to shine

D. James 4:6 says, “…God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble”

1. Pride keeps us from doing things like raising our hands, and saying Amen

2. Pride blocks our ability to Worship

III. Gratitude

A. Appreciate all that God does for you

B. Gracious heart allows us to go boldly to the throne of God

C. It is, in a sense, entering His gates with Thanksgiving

D. Psalm 95:2 says, “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms”


Whether we are worshipping alone, or in corporate worship, we should always do our best to glorify and edify the Lord.

Edification of God, leads to Evangelism for God, which will lead others to worship God

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