
Summary: There are many voices that make it hard to hear what God desires.

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Hearing God in the whisper

1 kings 19



Good morning everyone, glad that you are joining us this morning and taking time to hear the Word.

It is almost 6 weeks that our life has been turned on edge and our Normal has been disrupted.

In a lot of ways, I think normal needs to be disrupted at times, because if it doesn’t it becomes stale. Stale in the workplace, our homes, and even in our churches.

It may never get back to what we called normal, but it still can be something amazing and fresh and new and have the anointing of God on it.

That would be a new normal we all could live with because it would have more purpose and energy.

This morning I want to look at the scripture from 1 Kings 19- Centering on listening to God in the whispers of life.

I have to tell you that as a pastor I am seeking the Lord on what He would have me say as I stand behind the sacred pulpit of God.

The Lord laid this verse on my heart and in the beginning stages of the message, the theme of listening to God amongst all the noises of the world so that even if God whispered, you would say Yes Lord- your servant hears you.

The more you desire and the more you try to live that kind of relationship with the Lord, the more you will be met with opposition- Amen.

Well, I actually was on my treadmill walking off the pounds as God began to speak to me and reminded me of this verse.

I am off Mondays and I came in to the office on Tuesday and begin to flush out the meat and potatoes of the message.

In my devotion time , I began hearing God give me verses and thoughts-

I think now is a great time because almost all pastors are putting their messages on the internet and when I go on my treadmill, I get a chance to hear some of my colleagues messages as I am walking. It makes it less painful and I am being fed.

I am listening to one of my colleagues and he begins sharing the same scripture verse and talking about Elijah and this sick feeling fills my stomach.

Oh my, this guy is preaching my message. The bad part about it, he is doing it a week earlier of my message and it will look like I copied his message.

Isn’t that like the devil to take something good and turn it into a hassle and/or an obstacle.

Ok Lord, now what do I do?

This is where my heart was heading- and as I was having a pity party for myself- the Lord said, I didn’t hear an audible voice but I heard him say to my spirit- Do you really believe that you would be the only one that this week would be speaking on this verse?

No Lord! Then preach what I gave you.

It is just like the enemy to muddy up the waters when they don’t need to be muddied up.

It is just like the enemy of our souls to put a wedge where there should be a bridge.

This message was for me to bring and my friend had his message to bring.

They have the same text but different drawing points.

They pass through but both fit the people that were to hear it this morning.

If the enemy can keep you isolated and feeling alone- he takes you off the path that the Lord has for you- that is for someone this morning.

Let’s dig out a nugget of truth that we can apply to our lives this morning-

The prophet Elijah was being used by God mightily at a time that there was an evil king on the throne of Israel. Ahab did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any other king to that point. But God was still doing some amazing things-

The Lord told Elijah to tell the evil king, no rain till he gives the order.

Elijah meets up with a poor widow who had nothing and she gathered jars from all her neighbors and the Lord filled Everyone of them. Every empty she could get, the Lord provided through Elijah a miracle of filling those jars so that she could get the creditors off the widows back and bless her with money to survive.

1 Kings Chapter 18 Elijah encounters all the prophets of the evil king and they have a strength match of which God is better. Elijah is outnumbered 450 to 1 and God does some amazing things.

While 450 Baal prophets are yelling and screaming and cutting themselves to get the attention of their God, Elijah is baiting them and having fun with them.

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