
Healthy Branches

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 13, 2023
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Emphasizes the importance of remaining connected to Jesus, the True Vine, to bear spiritual fruit and experience His love and grace.


Good morning, beloved. As we gather here today in the house of God, we are reminded of the ever-present love and grace that our Lord Jesus Christ showers upon us. We are here, not by chance, but by divine appointment. We are here to connect, to learn, and to grow in our faith. We are here to be nourished, pruned, and cultivated so that we may bear fruit in our lives.

Andrew Murray once said, "He became the true Vine, that we might be true branches. Both in regard to Christ and ourselves the words teach us the two lessons of absolute dependence and perfect confidence." What a profound truth! We are called to be branches, connected to the True Vine, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us turn to the word of God in John 15:1-16,

[Read passage]

Beloved, as we prepare to delve into the richness of this scripture, I invite you to bow your heads with me in prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for your Word, which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We thank you for the privilege of being branches connected to the True Vine, Jesus Christ. As we open our hearts to Your Word today, we ask that You prune us, cultivate us, and help us bear much fruit. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Let’s get started!

Building a Bond with the True Vine

In the heart of the scripture, we find an invitation. An invitation to remain, to abide, to stay connected with Jesus, who is the True Vine. This connection is not a casual acquaintance, but a deep, intimate relationship. It's like a branch that draws its life from the vine. Without the vine, the branch cannot survive, let alone bear fruit.

The same is true for us: Without Jesus, we are like branches cut off from the vine. We may appear to be alive for a while, but eventually, we will wither and die. But when we are connected to Jesus, we draw our life from Him. His life flows into us, nourishing us, strengthening us, enabling us to bear fruit.

This connection is not a one-way street: It's not just about us drawing life from Jesus. It's also about Jesus living His life in us. When we are connected to Him, His life flows into us, and His fruit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control - is produced in us.

But how do we build this connection with Jesus? How do we remain in Him?

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Firstly: We need to understand that this connection is not something we can manufacture on our own. It's not about trying harder or doing more. It's about surrendering to Jesus, allowing Him to live His life in us. It's about letting go of our self-sufficiency and acknowledging our need for Him. It's about depending on Him for our every need, moment by moment, day by day.

Secondly: We build this connection through prayer. Prayer is not just about asking God for things. It's about communicating with Him, sharing our thoughts, our feelings, our desires with Him. It's about listening to His voice, hearing His heart. It's about spending time in His presence, enjoying His company.

Thirdly: We build this connection through the Word of God. The Bible is not just a book. It's the living, breathing Word of God. It's God's love letter to us, His manual for life. When we read the Bible, we hear God's voice. We learn about His character, His ways, His promises. We are reminded of His love, His grace, His faithfulness.

Fourthly: We build this connection through obedience. Jesus said, "If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love." Obedience is not about following a set of rules. It's about expressing our love for Jesus. It's about aligning our will with His, our desires with His, our actions with His. It's about living in a way that pleases Him, that brings Him glory.

Bearing Fruit through Abiding in Jesus

As we continue to reflect on the words of Jesus in John 15, we find ourselves drawn to the image of fruit-bearing ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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