
Healing Touch: A Woman's Faith

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Jesus heals a woman suffering from a long-term illness due to her strong faith


In the Old Testament, there are certain laws and regulations that may seem confusing to us. One such law is found in Leviticus 15:19, which states that when a woman has her regular flow of blood, anyone who touches her will be considered unclean until evening. Additionally, if a woman has a discharge of blood for many days other than her monthly period, she will be considered unclean as long as she has the discharge. Anyone who touches her will also be unclean and must wash their clothes and bathe with water until evening.

The Woman with the Issue of Blood

Now, let's delve into one of the most remarkable miracles performed by Jesus, which involves a woman who had been suffering from an issue of blood for twelve years. This woman had endured great suffering under the care of many doctors and had spent all her money seeking a cure. Unfortunately, instead of getting better, her condition only worsened.

The Problems Faced by the Woman

What were the problems this woman faced? Firstly, she had been dealing with this ongoing issue for twelve years, which meant she had not been ceremonially clean for all that time. Secondly, her condition had drained her financially, as she had spent all her money on various treatments without any improvement. Thirdly, she was in constant pain and had not experienced any relief. Lastly, due to her condition, she was considered a social outcast and had to live in isolation to avoid making others unclean.

The Woman's Faith and Healing

Imagine living with this issue of blood every day for twelve years. It meant 4,383 days of dealing with physical and emotional pain. She was unable to have any physical intimacy with her husband, couldn't perform household tasks, and couldn't fulfill her roles as a wife and mother. She was confined to her home, isolated from society, and felt as though she was as good as dead.

But then she heard about Jesus. She knew he was a great healer, and she believed that if she could just touch the hem of his garment, she would be healed. Despite the risk of making Jesus unclean by touching him, she mustered up the courage to make her way through the crowd and touch his clothes.

As she reached out and brushed her hand against the tassel on Jesus' garment, she immediately felt a change in her body. A tingling sensation and warmth coursed through her, and she knew she had been healed.

Giving Glory to God

It is often in our lowest moments that we come closest to God. When we are stripped of pride and arrogance, when we have nothing to rely on except God, that is when we can hear Him most clearly. It may be a painful journey to reach that point, but when we do, God is there for us.

Jesus could have done or said anything at that moment, but He chose to turn the spotlight on this woman who simply wanted to slip away into the crowd and go home. He wanted her healing to be known by all. He wanted everyone to see that she had been healed and that it was now safe to touch her.

It is crucial to give glory to God after receiving a miracle. This woman was healed not because Jesus wanted to heal her or because she was the only one in need, but because of her faith. Faith plays a significant role in receiving healing from Jesus. While there may have been a crowd of people around Jesus, not all of them had faith in Him. Some may have been there just for entertainment, not truly believing in His power. But this woman had faith, and that is why she was relieved of her ailments.

Jesus acknowledged her faith and told her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering" (Mark 5:34, NIV). There was no need for her to perform sacrifices or rituals or obey complicated laws. Jesus proclaimed a word of deliverance, and she was healed.


In Mark 16:15-20, Jesus commissions his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel. He promises that signs will follow those who believe in Him, including the ability to cast out demons, speak in new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things without harm, and lay hands on the sick for their recovery. This shows that Jesus intended for his followers to continue his healing ministry.

In conclusion, the story of Jesus healing the woman with the issue of blood is a powerful testament to the importance of faith and the compassion of our Savior. It reminds us that even in our most desperate moments, Jesus is there, ready to heal and restore us. May we always have faith in Him and give glory to God for the miracles we receive. Amen.

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