Healing Methods Of Jesus Series
Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: It is God’s will for us to be well. Jesus employed many different methods as He worked healing “in” broken people. God is not bothered with the limitations of man. He is God!
Healing Methods of Jesus
Lakewood COG | Pastor Jonathan Vorce | 10-8-2017
It is God’s will for us to be well. Jesus employed many different methods as He worked healing “in” broken people. I am convinced that Jesus used many methods to let us know that He can use whatever means available to do His work. God is not bothered with the limitations of man. He is God! Be encouraged today!!!
I. He laid His hands on them - Luke 13:10-17
A. This lady suffered from a “Spirit of Infirmity” for eighteen years.
1. Jesus called her to Him while she was bent over.
2. Her coming to Jesus was her “Activity of Faith”.
B. The ruler of the synagogue found fault with Jesus healing on the sabbath day.
1. There is a spirit in some people that will not let them see the good in anything you do. It’s a fault finding spirit.
2. Jesus handled him… Jesus did not let what the religious crowd thought stop Him from healing this woman.
II. Odd Experiences (clay in blind mans eyes) John 9:1-34, The blind man receives his sight and ends up getting thrown out of the temple…
A. The disciples had to unlearn their religious ways. Religion had taught them that this man or his parents had sinned and the result was blindness.
1. It wasn’t the blindness that brought glory to God it was the miracle.
B. The “Activity of Faith”. - Jesus made clay of the spittle and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam (Sent).
1. The “neighbors” witnessed the miracle.
C. The Pharisee’s and leaders of the temple said that Jesus was not of God because He healed this man on the Sabbath.
1. One would think that they would rejoice with him but they were blinded by religion (law).
2. Even his parents were afraid of the Pharisee’s and just said, “Let him tell you how he was healed.”
D. In verse 34 they finally cast the healed man out of the temple.
1. Some people are so caught in religion that they can’t remember to open their eyes and see that IT’S A MIRACLE!
2. Not everyone will rejoice with you. Some will even be upset because God healed you but did’t heal one of their loved ones. - Don’t let this steal your praise. Continue to give God thanks!
III. Spoke the Word, By His Touch, Drove out Demons - Matthew 8:1-17
A. A leprous man comes to Jesus and worshipped and said, “If you will do it you can make me clean!” (“Will do” is before Calvary)
1. Jesus, “put forth His hand and touched him and said, I will, be thou clean.” (The man was immediately healed)
2. This man coming to Jesus worshipping and petitioning was his “Activity of Faith”.
B. A centurion came to Jesus for the healing of one of his servants.
1. The centurion explained to Jesus that he understood how authority worked and that if He would but “Speak the Word” his servant would be healed.
2. The centurion coming to Jesus and his conversation with Him concerning authority was his “Activity of Faith”.
C. Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law by simply touching her hand.
1. She got up and ministered (hosted) them. - The “Activity of Faith”.
2. The community brought many to Jesus that were sick and He healed them.
3. He cast out demon spirits with His word.
IV. Conclusion: God is not bound by just one or two methods. God is God and He can work healing in you anyway He chooses.
A. Operating in a “Faith Atmosphere” - Jesus took a man outside of the city because he saw men as “Trees Walking” - Matthew 8:22-26
B. Psalms 107:20 says, “He sent His Word and healed them.
C. You can receive your healing today…
Closing: Prayer for healing