
He Threw a Party

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Sometimes the biggest gap is between family members. God teaches us about bridge building through Jesus’ story of the prodigal son. We should offer grace to those we have broken relationships with and celebrate when those relationships are restored.

He Threw a Party

Youth Group Plan: He Threw a Party (Luke 15:11-32)

Youth Sermon: He Threw a Party


Today, we're talking about family drama. You know, those fights with your siblings or disagreements with your parents. We're going to learn from a story Jesus told about a son who messed up big time, but his dad threw a party when he came back home. We're talking about offering grace to those we've had a fallout with and celebrating when things get patched up. Let's dive in!

[Read Luke 15:11-32]

Imagine you have a $20 bill. Now, crumple it up, stomp on it, really mess it up. Is it still worth $20? Of course! No matter what it's been through, it still has value. Just like that $20 bill, no matter what we've done or how much we've messed up, we still have value to God.

Here's an example of what grace could look like: two pastors have a major disagreement. One pastor criticized the other's orphanage. But instead of fighting back, the criticized pastor showed love and even collected money for the other pastor's orphanage. The other pastor was like, 'You didn't give me what I deserved, but what I needed.' That's grace!

No matter what we've done or how much we've messed up, we still have value to God.

Main Points

1. Our choices can hurt others. Just like the son in the story, we can make choices that not only mess up our lives but also hurt our family. We need to think about how our actions affect those around us.

2. We all mess up. But when we do, we need to own up to it and try to make things right. Just like the son in the story, we need to say sorry and try to fix things.

3. When someone comes back to us after messing up, we need to be like the dad in the story. Instead of being mad, he threw a party! We should celebrate when relationships are restored.

Think about a relationship in your life that needs some bridge building. Maybe it's a sibling you've been fighting with or a friend you've drifted away from. What can you do this week to start rebuilding that bridge? Remember, it's not about who's right or wrong, it's about showing grace and love.


God, help us to be bridge builders in our families and friendships. Give us the courage to say sorry when we mess up and the grace to forgive when others hurt us. Help us to celebrate when relationships are restored. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Can you relate to the prodigal son's story? How?

2. What does it mean to you to offer grace to someone who has hurt you?

3. How can you apply the lessons from the prodigal son's story in your life?

4. What are some practical ways to rebuild a broken relationship?

5. How can we celebrate reconciliation in our lives?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: "Prodigal Son" Role Play

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