He Restores My Soul Series
Contributed by Steve Lotze on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Message 2 in 4 part series on 23rd Psalm
He Restores My Soul
April 2nd, 2006 Psalm 23:2-3
These are my actual notes and sermon handouts and they probably mean more to me than they do to you. If you don’t understand something in my notes – feel free to e-mail me for clarification (stevenmary7@hotmail.com). Here’s some deciphering hints: I use hyphens (-) to separate key elements in a thought progression. I use quotation marks when I’m illustrating what some one in the congregation might be thinking or asking at that particular point in the message or to illustrate different character voices in an illustration. Bullets are springboards for thought progressions associated with main points in a thought.
INTRO: We are not a people understand rest… Vs 1 assertion – now proof…
Ps. 23:2He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. 3He restores my soul. (He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.)
• Last part goes with the next verse
• He Restores is summary statement – first two parts are how restored
• We’ll start with the conclusion and work backward
1. The _Need_ for Soul Restoration.
3He restores my soul.
• Restore = replenish – the pantry, fuel tank, keeps me going, fills my tank
• Not physical = soul - immaterial part of man – “nephesh” – breath
• That’s the part that gets depleted and needs to be restored
Five things that deplete our souls…
1. _Godly_ people. – fun, too much public -
2. _Draining_ people. – ministered to and been that person
• People who have acute need – poor social skills – demanding nature
• They can siphon off your soul strength and resources.
3. _Busyness_ - 1973 avg work week = 40.6 hrs. – 1999 = 50.2
• Where do those 10 hours come from? – things that restore our souls
• 1973 leisure = 26.2 hrs. / 1999 = 19.8 – all that’s been said about saying no and setting boundaries – not very good at it.
• Though tried to be a God example to you – failing!
• We are not a people that say no – nor do we tolerate people who do
• It depletes our souls
4. _Problems_ - “Things aren’t going well right now…”
• Health, conflicts, irritations, persistent financial, incompetence of others – drain our soul strength.
5. _Coveting_ - “I need a better job – need a mate – need children –
I have a boy, now I need a girl – need grandchildren, etc.
Five things that restore our souls…
1. _Sleep_ - not in church! – it restores souls – sleep quality study…
• 62% experience a sleep problem 1 – 2 nights per week
• 56% - 1 or more bouts of insomnia per week
• “I woke up feeling unrefreshed” – 38%
• “I was awake a lot of the night” – 34%
• “I woke up too early and couldn’t get back to sleep” – 24%
• “had difficulty falling asleep” – 23%
• Only 35% of adults sleep the recommended 8 hrs. per night.
• Many are failing in the depletion category and sleep category
2. _Rest_ - common picture in Scripture – “rest in the Lord” – “wait
patiently for Him”
• Lord took time to rest – withdrew from multitudes…
• We need times of rest – sit quietly – move slowly
3. _Reflection_ - restores the soul – but if try to reflect when low on
sleep / rest / depleted – going to get into a negative pattern of
How do I reflect? – this is the soul gazing in on itself in 4 directions…
Look back_,
• Where been this week / month? – failures to confess?
• What priorities have been lost – can be regathered?
Look __up_,
• Turning to God – His word – a mirror - knees
Look around,
• Who am I neglecting? – who have I hurt? – who has needs I should be meeting?
• I’m not alone in world – they matter to God – should to me
Look _ahead,
• How should I be different? – How can I make it so?
• What’s important that’s been neglected?
• What’s unimportant that’s had my attention?
When we’re centered on things that really matter than you’re ready for…
4. _Diversion_ - can restore the soul…
• Harris poll – good things to do – something different from the grind
1. Reading
2. T.V.
3. Spending time with family and friends
4. Gardening
5. Fishing
Also: walking, movies, etc. – something different from the grind
It’s healthy and restores my soul
5. _Ministry_ - when other things are in place – restoring/renewing
• It’s God at work through me
• Other things not in place, ministry = one more demanding hassle