
Summary: In this walk of life, we often time have offers that are made to us, but Jesus makes us an offer that we cannot refuse.

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He Made An Offer That

I Couldn’t Refuse

Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this shall thirst again. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall given him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. John 4:13-14

My brothers and sisters, all of us have been privilege, if you will have been presented with offers. We’ve all been faced with the opportunity to do one thing or another. The privilege that has been presented to each of us at some time or another to do things that may or may not have been to the Glory of God. That being what it may, yet the offer was extended. And with the coming of the offer we began to be thrust into the valley of decision forcing us to decide whether it would be an offer we would except or an offer that we would refuse. We’ve all had offers. Am I right? Some of them were offers and privileges that was extended to us in some way or another would have proved beneficial to us though it might have only been temporarily. And sometimes we are faced with some right then decisions from that offer. And sometimes we can see what we accomplish from our accepting of that offer. Oh, yeah think about the offer that you received. Think about the privileges. Think about the opportunities and see where your mind fall. You determine where your mind will fall.

We’ve all had offers. We’ve all had our opportunities. We’ve all had various privileges that we had to either accept or reject. Sometimes our phones ring less because we rejected somebody’s offer. Sometimes the doorbell ring less because we rejected somebody’s offer. There are all kinds of opportunities going around in this world. There are all kinds of privileges floating around in this world. Some of them would benefit us on into Glory and some can condemn our soul to a eternity. But we’re talking this morning about an offer that was made personally to me. And choose to be based upon the benefits, an offer I could not refuse. Our text tells us of an offer that was presented this morning to someone whose name is not given. Whose name for one reason or the other is not mentioned. There is a man sitting by Himself at a well in a Samaritan town. There is a man sitting down beside Jacobs’ well.

This is Samaritan village, but yet the man at the well is a Jew. He sits there at the well. He’s out of His native land. Racially, He has no business in that town. Ethnically He has not business in that community. He stands out, He sticks our like a sore thumb. Who is this fellow sitting at the well? And what is His purpose? Why is a Jew in a Samaritan town? For it is common knowledge that there was no dealing between the Jew and the Samaritan. Not because the Samaritan wanted it that way, but because the Jews felt themselves to be better than the Samaritans. And not only the Samaritans, but to anybody who was not a Jew. You got to understand that the Samaritans were a mixed breed. Is it alright if I have Bible Study for a minute? You see I got to give you some background to this message so that you can get a good understanding. Am I right? The Samaritans were mixed breed. They had some Jewish blood, but they weren’t full blooded Jews. Therefore the true Jews put them on the lower level of the totem pole.

Even though the Jews looked down on them, my brothers and sisters, they were still people. It’s wrong of anybody, black or white to think themselves better than someone else simply because of the color of your skin. You got to understand that we are all the results of one blood. We all come from one Adam. I hadn’t read no where it said there was two Adams. There was only one Adam. And that tells me we all came from that one seed, the seed of Adam. Can I get a witness? Now Jesus sits, a Jew, by Himself in a Samaritan town. He’s not nervous. One would think being out of His social background, being an alien in a Samaritan town, He would felt a little bit out of place. He would no doubt be recognized by those who would come by and attempt to drive Him out of town. But He sit there comfortably. He sits there cool, calm and collective. There’s no fear in Him. He sits as though in wait for someone to arrive. I think I ought to tell you that Jesus had already told His disciples, “I must need, go through Samaria.”

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