
He Knows Me By Name

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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It's an amazing thing! God knows my Name.


It's an amazing thing! God knows my name. There's a song by Tasha Cobbs entitled "He Knows My Name." It's a powerful song that reminds us of the comforting truth that God knows us personally. Tonight, we will explore the significance of God knowing our names and what it means for us.

I. God Knows You

Out of all the people in the world, God knows your name. He knows you individually and intimately. You are not just a number or a meaningless symbol to Him. You are His own, and He knows you completely. Throughout the scriptures, we see God calling people by their names, such as Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Martha, Simon, and Saul. He even called them by name twice in some instances. Tonight, we see God calling Hagar by her name. She may not have known His name, but He knew hers. Just imagine the importance and significance we feel when someone important calls us by our name. Now, consider that the God of the universe knows your name.

II. God Knows You Absolutely

God knows everything about you. He knew you even before you were conceived. Before your mother named you, He already knew your name. He knows your thoughts, your deeds, your hurts, your weaknesses, your sicknesses, and your circumstances. He knows every detail about you. No one knows you like God does. He sees you at all times, even now as you read this. He knows your ups and downs, your joys and sorrows. Tonight, remember that God knows your name absolutely.

III. God Knows Where You Are

No matter where you are or what situation you find yourself in, God knows. Hagar was sent away by Sarai and Abram, but she was not beyond God's sight. She declared, "You are the God who sees me" (Genesis 16:13, NIV). Even when others cast you aside or treat you as nobody, God knows your name and sees you as somebody. You may be feeling down or facing rejection, but remember that God knows your name and where you are.

IV. God Calls You By Your Name

Hagar was evicted and left unemployed. She was used and discarded by Sarai and Abram. She was broken and hurting with no solution in sight. But God called her by her name. He met her where she was and called her by name. In the same way, God calls each one of us by our names. He meets us in our brokenness, in our pain, and in our despair. He calls us by name and offers us hope, healing, and restoration.

V. God Knows Your Name, Do You Know His Name?

While it's amazing that God knows our names, it is even more significant when we know His name. There is no other name given to us for salvation except the name of Jesus Christ. His name is powerful and can save us from sin, heal us, and bring us peace. His name is a refuge in times of trouble and a source of strength. Do you know His name? Take a moment to praise His name right now.

VI. One Day God Will Call Your Name to Enter Your Heavenly Home

Just as God called Lazarus from the dead, one day He will call our names to enter our heavenly home. If the rapture doesn't come first, He will summon the dead in Christ to rise. We can find comfort in knowing that when that day comes, God will call our names, and we will be with Him forever.

VII. I Know His Name

All my fears have been silenced because I know His name. I go to sleep at night with the assurance that I know His name. I face sickness and trials knowing that I know His name. And when the time comes, I will die peacefully because I know His name.


Isn't it amazing? The God of the universe knows your name. He knows you intimately and personally. He knows everything about you and meets you where you are. Take comfort in the fact that God knows your name. And remember, knowing His name is even more significant. His name is powerful and can save, heal, and bring peace. One day, He will call your name to enter your heavenly home. So, praise His name and find peace in knowing that you are known by the Most High.

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