He Is The Yesterday, Today And Forever
Contributed by Dr. Amen Howard on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God have said in his word that he is for us. Ps. 124. Let us see how God is truly with us. Hallelujah, the spirit of the lord is here. How many of you know that the spirit of the lord is going to do something here today? Shout hallelujah
Walking in God’s Favour
Heb13:8, Jesus Christ: the same yesterday, Today, and forever.
Many years ago, God decided to help mankind. Many people did not understand that God is so great and we are nothing before him. God could have chosen to ignore us but he loved us that he decided to take the form of a man to come to this earth to save us.
Many years ago, when God took the decision, he sent his only begotten son and many people did not know who he was, but he was a good person and the son of God.
Ladies and gentle men, for God to come in form of a man, it is like you and l becoming an ant in order to speak to other ants. This was the reason God sent Jesus in form of a man so as to explain and make us understand what God is like to us.
Undermine the fact that Jesus came in form of man, it was still obvious that he is not an ordinary person.
He was Jesus Christ the son of God.
When Christ came, he told the people that God is good and merciful and that he has forgiven us. I want you to know today that God is good, kind and a forgiving God. No matter the graveness of our sins or errors, God is a good God.
Take for example when your child does something wrong, you cannot abandon him; he still remains your child because you still love him. So is God to us. God still loves and care for us as his children.
I want you to know that god is a compassionate God and that he has feelings and affection for his children. He is looking for you. God is trying to rescue and help you so that you can become a totally forgiven person.
In the bible, we read of a certain woman who was caught in the act of adultery (Jn. 8:3-12.She was taken to Jesus for him to put judgment on her because in those days, when a woman is caught in an act of adultery, she is put to death. They said to Jesus that the woman was caught in the act of adultery and that they were going to kill her by stoning her to death.
But Jesus spoke and said” who amongst you is without sin should pick up a stone and throw it at her, but to our greatest surprise, none of them was without sin so they all left one by one. Jesus looked at the womanlike the same way he is looking at you today and said to her, go ye woman for I do not condemn you, this is a woman whose life is wretched and full of immoralities, .
down trodden and hopeless, no help in sight before now, family couldn't intervene nor neighbors, but Jesus said to her go and sin no more, what a wonderful savior we have in Jesus.
Ladies and gentle men, maybe you have done so many wrongs and made a lot of mistakes, Jesus is saying to you today, I DO NOT CONDEMN YOU. People of the world may condemn you but the bible says, God sent not his son to condemn the world but whosoever in Europe, Africa, America or anybody who will humble himself and turn away from sin, will be saved. I want you to know that this is a time for mercy and for forgiveness even as you enjoy God’s favour.
A time will come that you will not be able to turn around but today is your day. Tell somebody today is your day.
The number of times you say the lords’ prayer or read hail Mary will not take you to same today and forever more. The bible says, unless you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom of heaven. God does not like proud people. Surrender your life to Jesus because he is the yesterday, today and forever.
Always blessing.