
Summary: Through smart phones, smart education, and smart ways, we are today producing smart rogues who don’t care whom they hurt, whom they injure as long as they are benefited!

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He is Holy! He is Holy!

Author: Bala Samson

Titus 2:12” us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.”

Here is the extract of the message that I preached in the Saturday fasting prayer at our Shiloh Revival Church today (11.4.2015),where our school kids also attended. Towards the end of the sermon, I broke down under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, because I desire to see a holy generation for God. I pray, the same anointing percolates through this devotion as well in the name of Jesus!

The recent verdict of seven years of prison for Sathyam Founder Mr. B.Ramalinga Raju, with regard to the gigantic corporate fraud case comes to an end at last after 6 years! When the garbage can was brimming with corruption and when skeletons were tumbling out of the closet, Raju could hold it no longer and he confessed about the crime in the year 2009 – this was the exact year we relocated to Hyderabad. Oh! Does this mean the city has been rehabilitated since the confession of Mr.Raju? In that case, the other cities are no better, the evil continues! I say this with tears! Right from the Engineering college admission for my daughter to the planting of our School, and Day-care Home, we have been strangulated and pressurized from all sides, to deviate from the path of honesty and righteousness; however, we were able to cross all hurdles unscathed! All glory to Jesus! He is our Strength! He is Our Rock! I had shared it earlier but I would share it again that we would pack our food in the morning and go to the concerned office for sanction of papers pertaining to our school and we would have our lunch in the car and return in the evening back home; this exercise was done not for few months but for three years! There is a price you have to pay if you want to walk the narrow path! Nevertheless, the rewards you reap our colossal! I repeat colossal!

Can I share a testimony here, fifteen year old orphan Nani, a rag picker joined our school three years back as a small boy. Besides school lessons, he started getting close to God, one day during a casual conversation with me, he said, ‘madam, I don’t watch movies these days!’ He recently asked me for a plastic cover for his Bible, all these changes in him has made me happy and content. These are the rewards I want –not crores! The man who desired crores is now behind bars along with his fellow participants in the scam! Boy! The way they swindled the money and concocted documents is simply sickening and nauseating to read.

I have something more interesting to share, the ‘Raju days’ were better on several counts ‘ said employees who worked for Satyam computers right through Mahindra Satyam and who still are working. They said, ‘Mr.Raju would not think twice about expenses. Expense bills were approved within a jiffy, but now they were strict and also asked to travel in train.’ Hearken friends! Earlier Mr. Raju sanctioned money swiftly that did not belong to him anyway, it was the hard earned money of people who invested as shares! Raju was glad with their blood! How callous people can be! From where the money comes does not matter as long as it is in their pockets! How could people hail a thief! Through smart phones, smart education, and smart ways, we are today producing smart rogues who don’t care whom they hurt, whom they injure as long as they are benefited! Is anybody listening out there??? Who would like simple, humble and honest people? Even Christian ministry now a days, is all about Big worship halls, Swanky Crusades, Mega Festivals and plush churches in upscale pockets; your success is gauged with this. Now did not Jesus talk about being faithful rather than being successful? Someone called me late one night and asked me, that voice still resonates in my ears today, ‘ what in the world are you doing with street kids and rag pickers having resigned your bank job?’ I feebly answered that person and wept at the feet of the Lord! God answered me nothing that night and I never got an answer, you want to know why? God does not answer stupid questions, my job is to be faithful. Period.

The people involved in the scam with the Mr. Ramalinga Raju are no ordinary people but highly educated intellectuals, auditors and Executives. Why did they do such atrocious deeds? Greed.

Did not the Bible say:

1 Timothy 6:10:”For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

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