Having God's Power To Prevail In This Hour
Contributed by Kris Young on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Power of God, how we can receive it, how we can use it, and how we can maintain it.
Introduction –
A. The Medal of Honor.
1. What is the Medal of Honor?
a. Gilt-bronze star suspended from a pale blue ribbon with 13 tiny white stars.
b. Highest medal given to a soldier.
2. How does one receive the Medal of Honor?
a. Deed must be witnessed by at least 2 other eyewitnesses.
b. Deed must be so outstanding that it clearly distinguishes bravery and courage above and beyond the call of duty.
c. It must involve risk of life.
d. Must be type of deed that if it had not been done, the nominee would not have received any criticism.
3. Medal of Honor History.
a. 135 year history.
b. 3416 men & women have received it.
c. 70% did not live to see their award.
d. 213 men living entitled to wear it.
e. When seen, respect is shown.
4. William H. Carney Story.
a. Fought for Union.
b. Put preaching on side and became a soldier.
c. “I felt I could best serve my God by serving my country.”
d. He was 23 years old.
e. July 18, 1863 re-enacted in movie ‘Glory’.
f. Battle scene.
B. Patriotism & Faith.
1. These are character qualities which stir men to do the type of things like William H. Carney
a. While sinister forces work to mold America, Jesus beckons with the call of personal faith through a relationship with Him.
C. Death at Infancy.
1. A spirit of revival is being born in America and Satan is trying to combat God’s plan at its infancy.
a. He has tried this before.
1. He tried to kill Moses as a baby by issuing a decree to kill all male babies.
a. Moses ended up being raised in Pharoah’s palace as royalty and led exodus.
2. Joseph was thrown into a pit and left for dead.
a. Yet he became the 2nd in command of all Egypt.
3. Daniel was taken into slavery as a teenager.
a. Yet he became ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief of the governors over all the wise men.
4. Paul’s life was at risk as soon as his conversion.
a. He was eventually thrown into jail where he wrote most of the New Testament.
5. Jesus had a contract on his head as soon as he was born.
a. He lived and died and rose again as our wonderful Savior.
D. Satan is on the Attack.
1. He is attacking this great movement at its infancy.
2. But remember. Every time Satan has attacked the result was a mighty triumph of righteousness.
a. His plans have failed.
b. God had His way.
c. But not with out a price.
d. The good fight must be fought but our victory is guaranteed.
e. Why is he starting at infancy?
1. Satan know that 90% of personality is learned by 10 years old.
2. By the age of 20 95% of a childs values are unalterable.
a. He may change clothing styles or haircuts but basic personality will stay same.
b. Until he goes through a life changing emotional experience.
c. I know that experience.
I. What are we fighing.
A. In 1990 Iraq invaded the oil rich country of Kuwait.
1. Saddam Hussein raped that small country and tried to go into Saudi Arabia.
2. That sent off an alarm to the world and The Trumpet had sounded.
a. America sent troops as did 28 other countries for “Operation Desert Storm”.
b. On January 17th, 1991 ODS opened with the most awesome and well coordiated strike in the history of Military power.
c. Cruise missile hit communication targets just as bombers hit the lines to take out what the cruise missiles didn’t.
d. There were 1800 US aircraft and 435 from other countries flying as many as 3000 missions per day.
B. Before we can act we must hear the alarm and see the need.
1. We live in a fast paced society but we live with death all around.
a. AIDS is the only unquarantined plague of our time.
b. No one knows its full effect.
2. Death by suicide ranks #2 behind drugs and alcohol among youth of today.
a. Young people have lost the will to live.
3. Family life is awful.
a. Less than 50% of kids in public schools know what it is like to have mom and dad together at home.
b. And what % of them are happy homes.
4. Churches and church leaders.
a. We have failed to provide reason to say “NO” to hell and “YES” to life.
b. Destruction and Death are knocking at the door and we must be able to answer the call God is giving us.
II. The Best Defense is a Good Offense.
A. Persian Gulf Air raids. – Illustration.