
Have You Rejected Him?

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Oct 25, 2023
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Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith. Rejecting Him is like rejecting the foundation of a building. We must repent for the times we've rejected Him and accept Him as our foundation.

Have You Rejected Him?

Youth Group Plan: Have You Rejected Him? (Matthew 21:33-46)

Youth Sermon: Have You Rejected Him?


Have you ever been ghosted? You know, when someone just stops responding to your texts or calls? It's a bummer, right? Well, today we're going to talk about a time when Jesus got ghosted, big time.

Well, today we're going to talk about a time when Jesus got ghosted, big time.

Matthew 21:33-46

Jesus tells this wild story about a vineyard owner (that's God), some pretty bad tenants (the religious leaders), and the owner's servants (the prophets). The tenants keep ignoring and even hurting the servants when they come to collect the owner's share. Finally, the owner sends his son (that's Jesus), thinking they'll respect him. But they don't. They reject him, just like they did the servants.

Imagine you're building a Lego tower. You've got this one special piece, the cornerstone, that's supposed to hold everything together. But you decide you don't like it, so you toss it aside. What happens to your tower? It falls apart, right? That's what Jesus is saying here. He's the cornerstone, the piece that holds everything together. If we reject Him, our lives can fall apart.

Building on Jesus

Remember when Jesus talked about building your house on the rock or the sand in Matthew 7:24-27? It's the same idea. If we build our lives on Jesus, we're solid. If we don't, we're in for a rough time.

So, what do we do if we've been ghosting Jesus, ignoring Him, or pushing Him aside? We say sorry. We admit we messed up and ask for forgiveness. James 5:16 tells us that when we confess our sins, we can find healing.

And then, we start building our lives on Jesus, the cornerstone. We make Him the most important part of our lives. When we do that, we're part of God's big plan. We get His grace, His forgiveness, and His promise of eternal life.


So, let's get real. Have we been ghosting Jesus? Are there parts of our lives where we've been ignoring Him? It's time to stop, say sorry, and start building our lives on Him.

Let's pray. God, we're sorry for the times we've ignored You. Help us to make You the cornerstone of our lives. Give us the strength to build our lives on You, and the courage to trust You, no matter what. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Can you identify a time when you rejected Jesus? How did it affect your life?

2. What does it mean to you to have Jesus as your cornerstone?

3. How can you ensure that Jesus remains the foundation of your faith?

4. What steps can you take this week to strengthen your relationship with Jesus?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Building the Foundation

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