
Have You Rejected Him?

Premium Sermon
Created by PRO Premium on Oct 10, 2023
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This sermon explores the theme of rejection in Matthew 21:33-46, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and seeking forgiveness for the times we have rejected Jesus and the gospel in our lives.

Have You Rejected Him?

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No one likes to feel the sting of rejection. I’m sure that all of us here could share about a time when we experienced the pain of rejection. Whether it be in a relationship, a job, or even having an idea dismissed… It’s never a pleasant experience and these points of rejection often sit in our memories for many years…

Pastor - Do you have a personal story you could share here about a time you faced rejection? What happened and how did you recover?

This is just one of my many stories. I’m sure if we were all able to share today we’d be here for weeks listening to one another. The truth is, we’re all going to feel the sting of rejection at some point or another. And today, we’re going to see that even Jesus wasn’t immune. In fact, the parable of the tenants in Matthew 21:33-46 teaches us that there are very real consequences for rejecting Christ. As one commentator says, “This is the strongest parable on God's rejection of Israel and her leaders!”

It’s crucial that we keep Jesus in His rightful place; As savior, messiah, and foundation of our faith. We need to identify and seek forgiveness of the times in our lives when we have wrongly rejected Jesus and the gospel.

The Rejecting of God's Messengers: A Warning against Rejection

In Matthew 21:33-46, Jesus tells the parable of the wicked tenants, illustrating the rejection of God's messengers and ultimately, His own rejection. The vineyard owner represents God, the vineyard symbolizes His kingdom, the tenants represent the religious leaders, and the servants represent the prophets sent by God. This parable serves as a solemn warning about the consequences of rejecting God's messengers and, by extension, rejecting Jesus Christ.

In the parable we see the vineyard owner sent several servants to collect the fruit, illustrating God's continuous efforts to guide and bless His people through prophets and messengers ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium

It’s crucial that we keep Jesus in His rightful place; As savior, messiah, and foundation of our faith.

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