
Summary: Palm Sunday(C) - Have a Jesus attitude by sharing in Jesus’ humility. But also rejoice in Jesus’ glory.

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April 5, 2009 -- LENT 6 / PALM SUNDAY

-- Philippians 2:5-11

INTRO: When we look at our world with a discerning eye we discover constant failures and disappointment. Sin, evil, and wickedness are alive and well in our world today. All of creation is affected, infected, and corrupted by sin. As Judgment Day draws near things will only keep getting worse. We might want to throw up our hands in despair. Rather we are reminded to look beyond this world and this life. We look ahead to the eternal glory in store for each and every believer. "Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we con-fess" (HEBREWS 3:1). We do keep looking ahead whenever we


This means we will I. Share in Jesus’ humility.

We will also II. Rejoice in Jesus’ glory.


A. The life of Jesus had its’ ups and downs. There are no greater ups and downs than during Holy Week.

1. Jesus enters Jerusalem on the first day of the week as King. He leaves on Friday, crucified.

2. Verse 5. Paul encourages these believers to think like Jesus. Have a Jesus attitude.

B. Verse 6. Paul further explains this Jesus attitude. Jesus was and is equal with God.

1. For a time Jesus cloaked his divinity with human flesh. People saw Jesus as an ordinary man.

2. Verse 7. Jesus came to serve mankind and not to be served. Jesus lived very humbly.

C. Verses 8. This verse describes the depth of the humility of the God-man Jesus.

1. For hours Jesus suffered the torture of hanging on the cross. He did not have to do this.

2. Jesus suffered in his human flesh to redeem all those burdened with their human flesh.

D. The example of Jesus is to be our example. Scripture clearly teaches about the humble life. Our Savior did not even have a place to lay his head. He was born in a manger in Bethlehem. Jesus was the King of creation yet died as a criminal. We are to have the same attitude of humility. As believers we are to consider others better than ourselves. Our love for God motivates us to love our neighbor. At times, evil people may take advantage of believers. The wicked know that Christians can be a “soft touch”. "But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps"(1 PETER 2:20b, 21). Christ has left us an example of extreme humility. We ought not to think we deserve better.

E. Remember our gracious God and loving Lord never asks nor expects us to do anything without the strength that our Savior provides. A much higher calling than anyone else in this world motivates believers. We live our lives not for wealth and riches. We live our lives not for fame and glory. We live our lives because Christ lived his life for us. "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich"(2 CORINTHIANS 8:9). Think about Jesus’ sacrifice. Christ left his place in heaven to live among his creation on earth. Christ became poor so that we would become rich. Rich we are. Eternity is ours!

F. We might think that a life of humility means suffering like Jesus did. More than likely none of us will be put to death for our faith in our land of freedom. A life of humility will not always bring respect or honor by the people of this world. To have an attitude like Jesus will mean a life of service that reflects the glory of God and not the praise of men. "Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you"

(COLOSSIANS 3:12,14). Note our Christian motivation for doing anything like Christ. We are called: “God’s chose people, holy and dearly loved”. We are also reminded that the Lord forgave us. Only in this way do we know about love and forgiveness. Only by knowing God’s love and forgiveness are we able to love and forgive others. Only by knowing God’s love do want to be loving and forgiving.

HAVE AN ATTITUDE LIKE JESUS. We will share in Jesus’ humility.


A. Today is Palm Sunday. Jesus enters Jerusalem along with the praises of the crowds on the way.

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