
Summary: God is greater than any problem, failure or loss because He is sovereign in all situations

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How to Handle Failure and Loss

Rom. 8:26-38

Many people struggle to handle failure and loss because they have grown too accustomed to success. People who are unable to deal with an imperfect set of circumstances often sink into depression, anger or isolation. Hopelessness often creeps in to the minds of those who cannot seem to handle any kind of failure or loss. Examine the following guidelines for allowing the Spirit of God to help us deal with all types of failure and loss:

1. Believe that God is able to deliver you from any disappointment in a way that will bring goodness, blessings and greater glory to Him and His purposes in your life.

2. Thank God in advance for the way that His word and His Spirit will work in and through you for greater godly character as a result of a failure or loss.

3. God is greater than any problem, failure or loss because He is sovereign in all situations. (Job 42:1,2)

4. Do not think it is strange or unusual to experience failure or loss. Many godly people throughout church history have undergone terrible defeats, failures and difficulties, but have exhibit resilience by the power of God’s Spirit working in them both to will and to do of His good pleasure. (Phil. 2:12-14)

5. Be bigger than the problems you face with the help of Christ who helps you do everything He asks you to do. Phil. 4:13

6. Learn how to accept difficulties, failures and loss in a way that will lead to new and better doors of opportunity. Often times, as in the case of Joseph, Job and Paul, failures provided new opportunities for them to exhibit great displays of God’s mighty power in their lives.

7. Gain a Biblical perspective by reading , studying and meditating on His word during times of failure and loss. The word of God has a sanctifying power that lifts us up above and beyond any failure and loss pointing us to things above. Then you will make your ways prosperous and then you will have good success. (Josh. 1:8)

8. Be prepared to live, accept and be content with imperfections, disappointments and critical people. Know that God is able to fight all battles for you. Bless those who persecute you. Bless and curse not. (Rom. 12:14) God is able to use critical people to open up the silver lining beyond every dark cloud.

9. Take an inventory of all the joys, benefits and blessings you have in Christ and also in your heavenly home. (Phil. 2:1,2)

10. Do not have such a judgmental, perfectionist or lofty expectations about yourself or your accomplishments. Often times people set themselves up for feelings of failure and loss because they have unrealistic expectations. Have a sane estimate of your own abilities. (Rom. 12:3)

11. Stop comparing yourself with others since God has made you unique with special talents that only you possess. (Jn 21:15)

12. James wrote, "We all stumble in many ways." (James 3:2) Distinguish between failure in the world’s eyes and failure according to God’s standards.

13. Realize that some people try to deny their failure and so repress feelings that need to be dealt with. (I John 1:9 & Psa. 66:18)

14. Do not allow others to project their problems to you. Some people attack and judge others for their own failures. The Pharisees tried to do this with Jesus and the Jewish leaders did the same with Paul.

15. Do not internalize failure or loss. Allow the grace, love and acceptance of God’s sovereign rule to overcome any feelings of depression you might have.

16. Get around the company of people who love, trust and accept you for who you are. If you are always around negative people it will be hard to overcome feelings of failure and loss. Find a fellowship that you can fit in with that does not condemn, criticize or speak negatively of you because of past failures. Go to places where you can pursue righteousness, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart." (2 Tim. 2:22-24)

17. Read, memorize and meditate on I Cor. 13:4-7 and Rom, 8:26-38 allowing it to flood your mind, emotions and mouth with words of assurance that His love is greater than any feelings of failure or loss you might have. He is really for you. He loves you. He accepts you. His love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. His love for us never fails. Know that God hates the sin but always loves the sinner.

Song: 1. O Jesus, I have promised

to serve thee to the end;

be thou forever near me,

my Master and my friend.

I shall not fear the battle

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