
Summary: Christans often think of Halloween as evil. Paul says it is not. Here is a historical, biblical and practical perspective on Halloween.

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by Scott R. Bayles, preacher

Church of Christ

This time of year is unlike any other in many respects. Every shopping center and grocery store is filled with all sorts of candy, costumes and colorful decorations. In a few short days children will parade up and down the streets disguised as their favorite characters chanting “Trick or Treat” and hold out plastic bags or molded plastic pumpkins in hopes of collecting vast amounts of candy. This will, of course, result in a stomach ache the next day.

For Christians, Halloween is perhaps the most difficult holiday with which to deal. Its darker side is so disconcerting, yet it holds a bit of charm for us as we remember our own childhood experiences with the day. A myriad of questions surround Halloween. Should we participate? Accommodate? Or vigorously denounce Halloween?

When I first researched Halloween I discovered hundreds of web-sites with articles, sermons, or editorials condemning the observance of this holiday. In fact, many Christians have taken a very strong stance in opposition to Halloween on the grounds that it supports Satan-worship and pagan gods. This places many of us, especially those with children, in an uncomfortable position. How should we, as Christians, respond to this holiday? Is it sinful and evil or just fun and games? Is it a problem or a potential opportunity? To answer such questions, it’s helpful to view Halloween from the perspective of history. So let’s begin this morning with a…


First, we ought to recognize that the American celebration of Halloween draws heavily from Scottish and Irish folk customs that can be directly traced to pre-Christian times and is indeed rooted in the ancient Celtic feast of Samhain (sah-ween). Although modern Halloweens can be viewed as nights of rollicking fun and eerie games, its pagan beginnings were not so innocent.

Originally, Halloween was a celebration of the Druids in honor of Samhain, whom they believed to be the Lord of the Dead, and whose festival fell on November 1st.

The Druids believed that on the eve of this festival, Samhain, the Lord of the Dead, called together the wicked souls that within the past 12 months had been condemned to inhabit the bodies of animals. The veil, they believed, between the present world and the spirit world, or the world beyond, was pierced, releasing demons, witches and hobgoblins en mass to harass the living.

Interestingly, they thought that the cat was sacred because they thought that cats, especially black cats, had once been human beings whose spirits were transferred into the cat as a punishment for their evil deeds—which makes you wonder why they were sacred.

There was a prevailing belief among many nations that at death the souls of good people were taken by good spirits and carried to paradise, but the souls of wicked men were left to wander in the space between the earth and the moon, or consigned to inhabit animals. Typically, the Druids believed that on this one night of the year, the eve of the Samhain festival, the spirits of the dead returned to their original homes along with other ghosts and goblins.

In order to protect themselves or make themselves immune to the attacking demons, people disguised themselves as witches, devils, and ghouls—from wince we derived the custom of wearing costumes for Halloween. They also attempted to ward off evil spirits by carving scary and grotesque faces on various gourds illuminated with candles (including pumpkins, of course). In order to placate the evil spirits they offered a variety of treats—fruits, vegetables, and other types of food usually. If the demonic hordes were satisfied, it was believed they would leave you in peace. But if they were not satisfied—if you didn’t offer any treats or your offering wasn’t good enough—the ghosts would trick you by casting a spell on you and reeking havoc in your home. Thus the tradition of “trick or treat” was born.

Despite its sinister origins, however, I think we can learn a lot from how the early Christians responded to this Samhain festival. As Chrsitianity spread throughout the Roman Empire and Europe, many pagans and even Druids converted to Christianity, but they were still very superstitious. They didn’t have Bibles back then and most of them were illiterate anyway. So, without proper education, many of these new believers brought their old superstitions with them into the church—including their belief in ghosts and goblins.

In order to establish a rival celebration and to better educate new believers, the church designated November 1st as All Saints Day. Rather than fearing the onslaught of evil spirits who had been condemned during the course of the year, All Saints Day celebrated and honored all the saints, or martyrs, who had died that year. The mass held the evening prior to All Saints Day was called All Hallowmas. And October 31st itself became known as All Hallow E’en (Halloween). Literally then, the word Halloween means Holy Evening. Thus, All Hallows Eve was an attempt on the part of Christianity to overwhelm the tradition of ghouls with the truth of the gospel! So, with this historical perspective on Halloween in mind, let’s get a…

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David Downing

commented on Oct 6, 2010

Water it down, keep compromising and you will probably not upset anyone other than people like me that believe Halloween is straight out of hell!

Art Braidic

commented on Aug 18, 2013

1. Halloween is a high day for witches. 2. Paul says we are to have nothing to do with demons. 3. Its source is pagan false gods the Almighty tells us to have nothing to do with. 4. It indoctrinates the kids to take things of the devil lightly. 5. we are told by God not to worship Him in any of the ways the pagan people of the land worship their gods Deu. 12:30. 6. It is a holiday to worship the "lord of the dead" Satan. 7. The entire concept of "give me a tread or I'll pull a trick on you" is in full opposition to Christianity. Halloween is a trick and not a treat.

Scott Bayles

commented on Sep 3, 2013

Halloween is quickly approaching once again. And, as always, there will be certain Christians who will choose to hide from it and condemn anyone who participates in it. While Christians should certainly stand sharply opposed to pagan or demonic worship, we should also remember that our treasured celebrations of Christmas and Easter also have some pagan influence in their origins. The early church dwelt with pagan festivals and celebration by establishing rival Christian celebrations. And while the world has all but forgotten the Greco-Roman gods of antiquity, they are annually reminded that Jesus Christ invaded space and time and rose from the grave. My suggestion is that Christians do the same with Halloween. Allow your kids to dress up in colorful costumes and go door to door asking for candy, or better yet, hold a "Trunk-or-Treat" event at your church so that you can reach out to your community with the gospel of Christ, or dress up as Bible characters and hand out gospel tracts along with candy from your own house. Teach your kids about All Saints Day and the true meaning of All Hallow's Eve. Don't simply curse the darkness; rather, turn on the light of Christ.

Christian Beldia

commented on Oct 28, 2017

SHALOM! May you consider to be enlighthen by this word... GOD BLESS... remember... Romans 12:2New Living Translation (NLT) Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. "We have been commanded to lead people out of darkness into God’s wonderful light. To proclaim the truth that Jesus is the light of the world. If we dress up as witches, demons, etc we are embracing darkness not living as “children of light"" - Dean Courtier

Roelof Vermeulen

commented on Oct 29, 2022


Dennis Dimitrov

commented on Oct 22, 2014

Scott, I appreciate your approach to shining a light rather than cursing the darkness. I am reminded of the idea of being so heavenly minded were no earthly good. The only reason we are on earth and not in heaven yet is because God wants us to shine our light to those who do not yet believe, and we must use every tool at our disposal and "make the most of every opportunity" to do so! Thank you!

Scott Bayles

commented on Oct 22, 2014

Thanks so much Dennis! I think this might be the first positive feedback I've received for this sermon.

Dawn Hooper

commented on Oct 23, 2014

Well done Scott. Very good message. This is definitely positive. The power of our words in this message is shown by the way we act towards all people whether they believe or not. We as Christians fail and compromise the gospel when we never show love through our actions, and can't be bothered getting off our backsides taking the gospel to the world. Shame on the scornful Christian who is judgemental about your message. The gospel isn't about hell fire and brimstone, it's about the gospel of love as JESUS preached it. Kia ora from NZ

Scott Bayles

commented on Oct 24, 2014

Thanks Dawn! I appreciate your encouragement. If you're interested I just added an updated version of this sermon that I'll be preaching this Sunday.

Fred Mcclure

commented on Feb 18, 2025

Hey brother! Where can I find your updated version of this sermon? Great job! Cervantes

commented on Oct 27, 2019

Point number one... who is really a christian? Point number two ...abstain from all appearance of evil. Point number three...just about everyone who participates today in the halloween event, if they knew what you know would feel no change to their evil actions.

Scott Bayles

commented on Oct 27, 2019

1. Everyone who beleives and receives Jesus as Lord and Savior. 2. You are twisting that Scripture. "Appearance" in this context doesn't mean "looks like" it means "shows up" which is why the ESV and NASB translate it "abstain from every FORM of evil." 3. You're judging the thoughts and intentions of other people's hearts, whom you do not know. I would repent of your judgmentalism and twisting of Scripture if I were you.

Zo Frank

commented on Nov 1, 2019

Have no fellowship with the fruitless deed of darkness. Christian are suppose to be peculiar, set apart and not conform to the ways of this word but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.... calling evil good is a great way to compromise....Some of the teachings these days from the pulpit is just mind boggling. We as Christians are to train our children ( so that the don’t make the same foolish mistakes we made) not world...

Will Stratton

commented on Sep 30, 2021

Thank you Pastor Scott for your excellent Biblical approach to Halloween! I find this anti-Halloween sentiment a more recent development as a result of the extreme aspects of the Spiritual Warfare movement that swept through the church in the 80's!! You will be hard pressed to find any anti-Halloween articles prior to 70's!! We're Christians less Christians then?? In fact in the strict Holiness circles where playing cards, Bowling Alleys, and attending Cinema were strictly forbidden, amazingly Halloween never made their hit list!! If anything I believe bespeaks of the religious deception of the modern day Christian that imagines Satan cloaked in a red suit carrying a pitchfork! 1 Corinth 11:14 !!

Lance Fendley

commented on Oct 31, 2021

Men having long hair???

Kenneth R. Jenkins

commented on Oct 26, 2022

Scott, I love your suggestions on turning a negative to a positive. Nicely done....

Roelof Vermeulen

commented on Oct 29, 2022

Compromise, Compromise, Compromise...

Scott Bayles

commented on Oct 29, 2022

Probably would have said the same thing to the Apostle Paul

Mayra Barreda

commented on Oct 18, 2023

Hello. Thanks for your perspective on Halloween. Halloween was not very celebrated in my original country so I didn’t have the experience of it growing up but we had the ”Day of the death” celebrated on Nov. 1st. I was born in Guatemala in Central America and on that day my SDA church used to go to the cementery and find a lot of people who had come to visit their death and we gave away literature together with a heart shaped lollipop, It was called “Operation balm” . We found a way to share the Hope of the gospel during that day. Interestingly enough lots of Adventists in Guatemala and latin America don’t like to celebrate Christmas or Easter because Catholic paganism in those Days is at its best and they don’t feel comfortable joining in those celebrations. I was one of them. Coming to the United States and reading more I learned that you can have Christmas and Easter in a way that honors God, , as you can also do the contrary. I do celebrate Christmas and Easter now with a free conscience and I think we definitively can take advantage of any Holliday for the advance of his kingdom.

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