
Summary: Paul wasn’t ASHAMED of the GOSPEL, Paul didn’t ARGUE with GOD, Paul wasn’t AFRAID of a GOAL. How to get off "Halfway Blvd." and relocate to the corner of "Busy Street" and "Active Avenue". Free Powerpoint template at website.

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Halfway Boulevard

Acts 20:24

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"But none of these things move me, neither count I my life

dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the

ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the

gospel of the grace of God."--Acts 20:24

" . . .I have finished my course . . . ."--II Tim. 4:7.

Recently I saw the words, "HALFWAY BOULEVARD" written on a street sign.

"That’s the street most Christians live on." I thought to myself.

In our text, we find a man who was not satisfied to live

there. He was not happy on “nine-mile hill, “one-mile bridge” or even

“midway lane”. He had to be right in the heart of things for God.

Paul is saying to us, "I don’t care if they criticize me, beat me,

lock me up in jail, stone me or kill me: I want to be an

all-out, dedicated Christian. I want to finish my course."

Paul Wasn’t Ashamed of the Gospel. He was always glad to be

identified with Christ. He stated on one occasion, "For I am not

ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto

salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to

the Greek" (Rom. 1:16).

People seem to be willing to speak out for sin and all the rest that

the Devil stands for. Yet around the church they are quiet as

mice. [testimony time] Should I not assume that the children of God

are afraid to speak out for Jesus in the world all the more?

Paul Didn’t Argue With God. When the Spirit of the Lord

spoke to his heart, he began to pack his suitcase. On one occasion,

he was leaving for Bithynia, but the Spirit suffered him not and he

didn’t go. Then he saw the vision of the Macedonian man, and right

away he left for Macedonia. Obedience is the greatest attribute of

the child of God.

Paul Was Not Afraid of a Goal. He knew where he was going.

He pressed toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God

in Christ Jesus (see Phil. 3:14). He also knew what it was going to

cost him to get there. yet he still refused to ease up. Thank God

for a man who would not be lukewarm, halfhearted or casual with

God’s business! Christians have no business living on "HALFWAY


For those who agree and desire to move to a more active life of

service for God, I suggest you take along some new items to move into

a new location at the corner of “Busy Street” and “Active Avenue.”

Notice the seven things that ought to be a part of your life.


God told Abraham to go, and he went. So did Moses, Joshua,

Elijah, Peter, Paul, the blind man, the adulterous woman, the maniac

of Gadara and many others. He gave us the Great Commission as a

last, dying request.

Isaiah got a glimpse of the Lord one day and became troubled

about his sinful condition. Just as soon as that was taken care of,

he wanted to go. He volunteered himself and cried out, "Here am I;

send me" (Isa. 6:8). It is normal for a person to want to go with

God’s message. There is something wrong when we do not want to go.


Compassion will develop and grow as we are exposed to the

need. The psalmist explains this: "He that goeth forth and

weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with

rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him" (Ps. 126:6). Jesus had

compassion on the multitudes and wept over the city of Jerusalem.

Paul ceased not to warn the people with tears day and night.

I remember one night visiting in a home where I was trying to

win the husband to Christ. He was polite but hard. "No, thank you," he said several times. Then I noticed his little wife

began to weep silently. When he saw the tears running down her

cheeks, he broke and opened up, eventually getting saved. Compassion had brought results again!


When a person makes a commitment to God, it ought to grip his

soul. His mind ought to be made up at that point that the Bible is

right and that settles it! There used to be a day when right was

right and wrong was wrong, but that day is gone. Gray has replaced

black and white, and we are in a mess. No wonder when people leave they end up in all kinds of other belief systems, blown about by every wind of doctrine!

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