
Summary: Even though God may use evil people to do His work, their deeds will not go unpunished.

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Part 2


A. The Man

1. Not much documented facts concerning Habakkuk.

B. The Times

1. 612-606 BC

a. Nineveh has fallen.

b. Assyria is on the decline.

c. God is raising up the Chaldeans.

2. No real dominant world power; none on the horizon. Babylon

was a tributary to the rapidly declining Assyrians.

3. Not unlike today.

C. The Book is Different from Other Prophetic Writings

1. Flow of conversation is backwards.

2. Habakkuk talks to God for the people.

3. Habakkuk questions God.

4. Habakkuk questions God’s answer.

D. Chapt. 1:1-4 Habakkuk’s Question

1. How long will this go on?

a. These are Jews mistreating other Jews.

b. God is accused of not listening. Is this true?

c. God’s longsuffering was not indifference.

E. Chapter 1:5-11 God’s Answer

1. Not one Habakkuk expected I’m sure.

2. God didn’t pick a bunch of pansies.

3. God didn’t sugar coat is answer either.

4. Rev. 3:19 – God says He rebukes those He loves.

Heb. 12:6 - Read

D. Chapt. 1:12-17

1. Habakkuk tries to play to God’s holiness.

a. What God said He would do was not unholy.

b. This would be hard for us to stomach today.

2. The wicked continue to prosper and the good continue to suffer.

II. Part II

A. Chapt. 2:1

1. Vs. 1 – “I will stand and watch”

a. Refer back to 1:5

b. Habakkuk was waiting on God.

c. Implication is not very long.

B. Chapt. 2:2-3

1. Write it down plainly on tablets.

a. So people could read it quickly.

b. So heralds could post it in the cities.

2. Wait

a. Ugh! A mean ol’ man is gonna tear you up when he gets


b. But wait, the mean ol’ man’s gonna get it, too.

C. Chapt. 2:4

1. The big man is arrogant, etc; he will be self-sustaining-he thinks!

2. The righteous will live by his faith.

a. Many seem to think “faithfulness” is a better translation.

b. Is there a difference in faith and faithfulness in light of this vs.?

c. I believe so

i. Faith is belief that is not challenged. Habakkuk knows God will do what He says He will; this is faith.

ii. Faithfulness is holding on during the challenge.

D. Chapt. 2:5-17 – What goes under the snake’s belly comes back over

his back.

1. Wickedness is self destructive; it will not endure for ever.

2. The wicked perish because…

a. They have become drunk on pride, power, and greed.

b. We are all drunk on something.

* Eph. 5:16-19 – the spirit

* I Cor. 16: 15 – Stephanas was addicted to the ministry of the saints.

3. A Taut Song – 5 Woes to the Chaldeans Vss 6-20

a. Woe upon lust of conquest and plunder. Vss 6-8

i. The Chaldeans were almost as mean as the Assyrians.

ii. Their materialism led them to steal and plunder prolifically

b. Woe upon the effort to build a permanent empire through war and

ungodly gain. Vss 9-11

i. They were laden down with pledges. If someone “hocked” their

cloak for money; the lender was to return it at night and take it

back the next day until the debt was paid. They were keeping it without regard for any law.

ii. God will not increase that which is unlawfully gained.

c. Woe upon cities built with blood. Vss 12-14

i. The Chaldeans would leave nothing living when they besieged a therefore; only the stones in the walls and the timber in the

beams were left to testify of their cruelty.

ii. The corroborating witness of the two was evidence enough to convict them under Jewish law.

d. Woe upon cruelty in treatment of the conquered nations and kings. Vss 15-17

i. As mentioned earlier, they were evil.

ii. The Chaldeans were swift and decisive when they swooped on a nation of people.

iii. The Chaldeans were the most disciplined warriors of their day. They were allowed three months with their wives per year and the rest was spent in preparation for or engaging in battle.

iv. They exposed there enemies vulnerabilities. God has always disapproved. Remember Noah’s Son

v. God’s glory will be exhibited through speaking or war. The evilness of the Chaldeans brought down God’s indignation and all the earth knew God’s righteousness. Refer to Isa. 26: 5

e. Woe to him who says to idols, “Come to life!”

E. Chapt. 2:20

1. The Lord is in His holy temple let all the earth keep silence before Him.

2. His holy temple here is heaven!

3. Implication here is that He is reigning supernal. Rev. 19:6

F. Chapt. 3

1. Vs. 1-12 Habakkuk sees God in all His power and might coming. Here comes da judge! Here come da Judge!

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