
Guiding Young Hearts: A Parent's Duty

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Parents have the crucial role of guiding their children towards the path of righteousness. This sermon explores this responsibility and the importance of instilling spiritual values in children from a young age.


Today, we will explore the important responsibility parents have in training their children in the ways of the Lord. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." But how exactly should we go about this training? Let's delve into the Scriptures to find guidance on this matter.

Teaching the Way of Jesus Christ

The letter "C" in the word "child" represents Christ Jesus. We must teach our children about Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). Our children need to understand that Jesus is the Son of God, who was born of a virgin, performed miracles, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead. We should encourage them to put their trust in Jesus for salvation and daily guidance.

Emphasizing Holiness

The letter "H" in "child" stands for holiness. We must teach our children to live in a manner that reflects Christ's character. 1 Peter 1:15-16 urges us to be holy because God is holy. To achieve this, we need to guide our children to imitate Christ in their actions, words, and thoughts.

Biblical Instructions

The letter "I" in "child" represents instructions. We find these instructions in the Word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that all Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Therefore, we should diligently teach our children the truths found in the Bible.

Teaching with Love

The letter "L" in "child" symbolizes love. We must love our children enough to train and teach them about Jesus and holiness. Without love, our efforts are in vain. Love should be the foundation of our instruction, as it is the driving force behind effective training.

Discipline with Love

The final letter in "child" is "D," which represents discipline. While we train our children with love, we must also discipline them when necessary. Proverbs 13:24 advises that withholding discipline is a sign of hatred, while Proverbs 22:15 emphasizes the importance of correction in driving away foolishness. Discipline should be administered with love and in a timely manner.


In conclusion, it is our responsibility as parents to train our children in the ways of the Lord. We should teach them about Jesus Christ, emphasizing holiness and providing biblical instructions. Love should guide our teaching, and discipline should be applied when needed. Although our children may stray at times, if we have faithfully trained them in the way of the Lord, they will eventually return to living out their faith. Let us embrace this vital role and fulfill it with love, patience, and wisdom.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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