
Growing the Gifts Within Us

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Every Christian possesses the fruit of the Holy Spirit; we have to nourish them so they grow. These fruits are positive characteristics; gifts; we cannot manufacture them, and certainly cannot witness without displaying them.


Today, we will explore the topic of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we are all blessed with these fruit, but it is our responsibility to nurture and develop them. These fruit are positive characteristics and gifts that we cannot manufacture on our own. They are essential for us to display as we witness to others about our faith.

The Contrast

In Galatians 5:22-23, the apostle Paul presents a stark contrast between the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the sinful nature. The sinful nature leads to actions such as sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, hatred, jealousy, selfish ambition, and more. It is crucial for us to understand that those who live in such a manner will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

The Fruit of the Spirit

On the other hand, the fruit of the Spirit are characteristics that every believer should possess. These fruit are always present in the life of a true Christian, although their outward manifestations may vary. Let's examine each of these fruit:

1. Love: The Greek word used here is "agape," which means love, affection, benevolence, or charity. Love is the supreme virtue of Christian living and fulfills the entire Law. We are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves.

2. Joy: Joy is a deep-down sense of well-being and blessedness that comes from having a relationship with God. It is not dependent on favorable circumstances but is a gift from God that surpasses understanding.

3. Peace: Peace refers to tranquility and serenity of mind and spirit that comes from knowing God. It is not affected by external circumstances but is rooted in our confidence in God's faithfulness.

4. Patience: Patience, or long-suffering, is the ability to endure injuries inflicted by others and to accept irritating or painful situations with calmness and forbearance. It reflects the Lord's patience towards us and is a virtue we should emulate.

5. Kindness: Kindness, or gentleness, is the quality of being decent, honest, helpful, and considerate towards others. It goes beyond mere acts of kindness and encompasses a humble and gentle attitude towards all.

6. Goodness: Goodness is moral and spiritual excellence. It involves doing good to others and practicing what we preach. It also includes standing up against evil and injustice.

7. Faithfulness: Faithfulness refers to loyalty to God and trustworthiness towards others. It is the assurance and conviction that God is faithful, and we should emulate His faithfulness in our lives.

8. Gentleness: Gentleness is a humble and gentle attitude, free from the desire for revenge or retribution. It involves forgiving others as the Lord has forgiven us.

9. Self-Control: Self-control, or temperance, is the ability to restrain passions and appetites. It is the strength of character that enables us to resist temptation and exercise discipline in our lives.


As Christians, we are called to display these fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. They are not something we can manufacture or develop on our own but are gifts from God. By nurturing and developing these fruit, we demonstrate our conformity to God's will and reflect Christ to the world around us. May our lives be a testimony to the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, as we bear His fruit for His glory.


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