
Growing in Spirituality

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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In 'Growing in Spirituality', we explore John 15:1-5 where Jesus outlines the process of spiritual growth. This involves understanding God as the gardener, Jesus as the true vine, and ourselves as the branches.


Salvation through faith in Christ has two dimensions: the assurance of eternal life in heaven and the call to live for God on earth. While we often hear that we should live for God, we are rarely taught how to do it. In John 15:1-11, Jesus provides a clear explanation of the process of spiritual fruit bearing. He uses the analogy of a vine and its branches to teach us how to live a fruitful life.

I. Recognize God as the Vine Dresser (John 15:1)

Jesus declares, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener." This statement reveals two important truths about God's role in our lives.

A. God's Goal is to Produce Fruit in Our Lives

God's plan and purpose for our lives is to make us fruitful for Him. Bearing fruit glorifies God and pleases Him. It is the evidence of true repentance, spiritual authenticity, growth in holiness, winning converts to Christ, displaying Christlike character, and contributing to the growth of the church. God desires to move us from bearing no fruit to bearing much fruit.

B. God is an Expert at Producing Fruit from Our Lives

God, as the gardener, knows how to cultivate and care for us. He plants us where we can grow best, even if we don't always understand why. He uses both favorable and challenging circumstances to shape us into the image of His Son. Through pruning, He removes anything that hinders our growth and purges us for greater fruitfulness.

II. Realize Jesus Christ as the True Vine (John 15:1)

Jesus identifies Himself as the true vine, drawing a parallel between Himself and Israel's failed vineyard imagery. Unlike Israel, Jesus is the perfect vine who fulfills God's redemptive plans.

A. Jesus is the Center of God's Plan

Jesus, as the true vine, is the centerpiece of God's redemptive plans. He alone provides salvation and is the source of every spiritual blessing. Our lives must revolve around Him, recognizing that He is the only way to God.

B. Jesus is the Source of Our Power

Apart from Christ, we can do nothing of eternal value. Our own efforts and abilities are insufficient. However, with Christ, all things are possible. We must rely on Him for strength, guidance, and transformation. He is the true source of our spiritual fruitfulness.

III. Remember That You Are Just a Branch (John 15:5)

We must humbly acknowledge our role as branches connected to the true vine.

A. Abide in Christ

To bear fruit, we must abide in Christ by immersing ourselves in His Word, dwelling in His love, and experiencing His joy. Our lives should reflect our union with Him.

B. Recognize the Source of Fruitfulness

We must remember that the fruit in our lives is produced by Christ alone. We are merely vessels through which He works. By submitting to His authority and relying on His power, we can bear true and lasting fruit for God's glory.


Living a fruitful life requires recognizing God as the vine dresser, realizing Jesus as the true vine, and remembering that we are just branches. As we abide in Christ and allow Him to work in and through us, our lives will bear the fruit of repentance, authenticity, holiness, evangelism, Christlike character, growth in the church, good works, and praise to God. Let us surrender ourselves to the process of spiritual fruit bearing and trust in the power of the true vine to transform us into His image.

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