
Growing in God's Image

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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God created us in His image and commanded us to grow and multiply. Our spiritual growth and fruitfulness are conditions to remain in Christ. We can only grow and be fruitful by staying connected to Him. We are expected to show growth and fruitfulness in every area of our lives to glorify Him.


The purpose of God for us as Christians is to be ambassadors of heaven on Earth, ensuring the realization of the Kingdom of God. God wants us to be fruitful and multiply in all areas of our lives: spiritually, intellectually, physically, maritally, professionally, financially, ministerially, and interpersonally. Being fruitful is a sign of life, a source of deep satisfaction, and the fulfillment of purpose. It is both a command and a blessing from God, indicating spiritual health and life.

Understanding Fruitfulness

Fruitfulness is a natural byproduct of a healthy believer who is implanted and abiding in Christ. It is a life of growth, increase, abundance, flourishing, and reproducing much fruit. Fruitfulness is a partnership with God and a sign of spiritual health and life.

Understanding the Principles of Fruitfulness

To become fruitful, we need to prepare our hearts to receive the seed of God's Word. We must believe and put it into practice. Weeding out ungodly relationships and worldly cares is necessary for fruitfulness. We must also submit to the pruning process, allowing God to deal with areas in our lives that hinder fruitfulness.

Understanding the Areas of Fruitfulness in Our Lives

1. Biological Fruitfulness: God desires us to raise godly children by training them in His ways.

2. Spiritual Fruitfulness: We are expected to live a life pleasing to God and grow in our relationship with Him.

3. Marital Fruitfulness: God wants us to enjoy peaceful marriages and manage crises with His wisdom.

4. Professional Fruitfulness: God wants us to prosper in our vocations and professions.

5. Financial Fruitfulness: Jesus became poor so that we can be rich through His poverty. We should acquire money through godly means and use it for God's glory.

6. Ministerial Fruitfulness: We have different ministerial assignments to expand the Kingdom of God. We must be committed and faithful in our calling and services.

7. Interpersonal Fruitfulness: We are called to follow peace with all and have fruitful relationships with others.


God commands and blesses us to be fruitful in all areas of our lives. We can only be fruitful by remaining in Him. Regardless of our current circumstances, we have been called to a fruitful life. By fully surrendering our lives to Jesus, who is the Vine that bears our fruitful branches, we can start living a fruitful life today.

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