
Summary: Great humility is a pre-requisite before we can expect to see great blessings from God.

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Matt. 15:21-28

Great humility is a pre-requisite before we can expect to see great blessings from God.

Illustration:Hudson Taylor was scheduled to speak at a Large Presbyterian church in Melbourne, Australia. The moderator of the service introduced the missionary in eloquent and glowing terms. He told the large congregation all that Taylor had accomplished in China, and then presented him as "our illustrious guest." Taylor stood quietly for a moment, and then opened his message by saying, "Dear friends, I am the little servant of an illustrious Master."

W. Wiersbe, Wycliffe Handbook of Preaching and Preachers, p

1. Aim: To lead the people to understand that great humility is necessary before we can develop great faith.

2. Many people want the benefits of great faith, but they are not willing to humble themselves before God to grow strong in faith.

In our passage we learn about a Canaanite woman whom Jesus commended for having great faith. Jesus looked at the woman’s willingness to believe that even a few seconds of His time would be sufficient to heal her demon-possessed daughter.

3. People of great faith approach God with such reverence, humility and adoration that they are confident that He can work miracles on their behalf. The people who are on intimate terms with the Lord learn to expect great things from their prayers.

4. When the Gentile woman asked Jesus to heal her daughter, the Lord first rebuffed her saying, “It is not right to take the people’s bread and toss it their dogs.” In effect, Jesus meant that the gospel was to be given first to the Jews. However, the woman knew that Jesus’ implication and yet she was willing to take even the “crumbs” from the Lord. Jesus was so impressed with this woman’s faith that he said, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” (Matt. 15:28)

5. When we abide in Christ to the point where we are totally relying on whatever measure of power He dispenses to us, we know it will be sufficient for all of our needs. Come to the Lord with humble reverence and you will find His grace to be sufficient during your worst times of pain, despair or need.

6. Understand why many people are not willing to reverently humble themselves before the Lord because of their foolish pride.

Ask the people to contrast this woman’s humble request with the rich young ruler’s attitude in Matthew 19:18-23.

Why do you think that many people are unwilling to humbly adore the Lord for His greatness before they begin to make their requests?

7. The BIBLE STORY focuses on a worried Gentile woman’s faith who pleaded with Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter.

People who are willing to completely trust in the Lord’s power will persist asking, seeking and knocking on His door until they find an opening in His heart. God once told Jeremiah, “If with all your heart you truly seek Him, you will surely find Him.” Persistence is essential for people who really want to see their prayers answered.

8. Ask God to help you express ways that they can pray with humble belief in the power of God to answer their prayers. Pray a prayer that reflects an attitude of humble adoration, confession of their sins, thanksgiving for who the Lord is and then a reverential request. Teach the people the importance of including all four aspects in every one of their prayers: A-Adoration, C-Confession; T- Thanksgiving; S- Supplication.

9. Why do you think that many people are unwilling to humbly adore the Lord for His greatness before they begin to make their requests? Why do you think that many people do not see their prayers answered?

10. People who reverently fear the Lord learn to enter into His presence with a humble attitude of praise, adoration and reverence. The attitude that approach God greatly affects the Lord’s response to our prayers. Some people think that they can flippantly ask the Lord for their needs without expressing their worship, love and devotion to His Glory. David wrote, “The sacrifice acceptable to God is a humble and contrite heart.” Even Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit (those who recognize that they are completely dependent on the Lord for every good thing) for they theirs is the kingdom of God.” The Lord Jesus teaches us that God wants us to humble ourselves before Him so that He can lift us up at the proper time. He contrasts these reverentially humble people with the proud and self-sufficient who almost demand that God supply them with whatever they want.

11. When the Gentile woman asked Jesus to heal her daughter, the Lord first rebuffed her saying, “It is not right to take the people’s bread and toss it their dogs.” In effect, Jesus meant that the gospel was to be given first to the Jews. However, the woman knew that Jesus’ implication and yet she was willing to take even the “crumbs” from the Lord. Jesus was so impressed with this woman’s faith that he said, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” (Matt. 15:28) When we abide in Christ to the point where we are totally relying on Him for whatever measure of power He dispenses to us, we know it will be sufficient for all of our needs. (2 Cor. 12:9,10) Come to the Lord with humble reverence and you will find His grace to be sufficient during your worst times of pain, despair or need.

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