
Gratitude: The Heart's Response to God's Love

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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This sermon delves into the profound reasons we should express our gratitude to God. Our decision to thank God should not be contingent on His recent actions for us, but rather on the everlasting love He has shown us through His Son and His continuous blessings.


Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of gratitude. In a year filled with challenges and difficulties, it may be hard for some to find reasons to be thankful. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone's lives in various ways, making it even more crucial to cultivate a spirit of gratitude. However, our gratitude should not be based solely on external circumstances or what God can do for us. Instead, it should stem from a deep appreciation for what God has already done through His Son and continues to do for us.


The Value of Thanksgiving:

Giving thanks to the Lord is not only a good thing but also an integral part of our worship. It allows us to recognize and acknowledge what God is doing in our lives. Our gratitude should extend beyond the physical blessings we receive and encompass the eternal salvation we have through Jesus Christ. It is a heart choice that stems from a place of remembering where we would be without God's intervention.

An Illustration

Imagine sitting in a crowded restaurant, across from someone who doesn't understand the concept of gratitude. When you pause to say grace and give thanks for your meal, they question your actions. They believe that their hard work and efforts alone provide their sustenance, leaving no room for gratitude towards anyone else. This mindset is akin to that of a dog eagerly devouring its food without expressing any gratitude. However, as humans, we have the capacity to recognize and appreciate the blessings we receive.

The Call to Give Thanks

The Psalms repeatedly exhort us to give thanks to the Lord. We are encouraged to offer praise and thanksgiving for His lovingkindness, faithfulness, and wonderful works. Our gratitude should not be limited to times of prosperity or when everything is going well. Instead, it should be a lifestyle, a constant rejoicing in the presence of God. We are called to give thanks even in the midst of hardships, sickness, and pain.

Learning to Be Content

The Apostle Paul provides us with a powerful example of living a life of gratitude. In Philippians 4:11-13, he shares his secret of being content in every situation. Paul learned to be grateful whether he had plenty or was in need. His ability to rise above circumstances came from his unwavering faith in Christ, who strengthened him. We, too, can find contentment and gratitude by trusting in God's unchanging nature and promises.

The Power of Thankfulness

In Psalm 50:14-15, God urges us to offer thanksgiving as part of our worship. He promises to answer our prayers when we call upon Him in times of trouble. Our thanksgiving is not merely an afterthought or a response to answered prayers; it is an expression of our faith and trust in God's goodness. When we give thanks with a grateful heart, we shift our focus from the problem to the One who holds the solution.

The Cost of Ingratitude

In Romans 1:18, 21, Paul warns about the consequences of ingratitude. Those who refuse to acknowledge and thank God for His blessings become consumed by their own desires and foolishness. Their hearts are darkened, leading them away from God's path. As Christians, we must guard against ingratitude and its detrimental effects on our relationship with God.

Approaching God with Thanksgiving

Philippians 4:6 instructs us not to be anxious but to bring our requests to God with thanksgiving. This verse reminds us that worry hinders our ability to be thankful. When we worry, we focus on the problem rather than the solution. However, when we approach God with gratitude, we demonstrate our trust in Him and His ability to provide. We can be thankful for what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in our lives.


In conclusion, gratitude holds immense power in our lives. It is a choice we make to recognize and appreciate God's goodness, faithfulness, and provision. Gratitude enables us to rejoice in all circumstances, knowing that God is still God and He is working for our good. Let us cultivate a heart of thanksgiving, offering praise and thanks to God for His countless blessings. May our lives be marked by gratitude, not only in times of abundance but also in times of hardship. As we give thanks, we glorify the One who deserves all honor and praise.

Closing Blessing

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Amen.

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