
Gratitude for Dads

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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We need to be thankful to our fathers for many things.

Title: Thankful for Our Fathers


Today, we gather to express our gratitude to the Lord and honor our earthly fathers. Fatherhood is a complex and challenging role, but it is also a tremendous blessing. Let us reflect on some of the reasons why we should be thankful to our fathers.

I. Material Provision

We must acknowledge and appreciate our fathers for their provision of our material needs. The Bible teaches us that it is the responsibility of fathers to provide for their families. If a father fails to do so, he is considered worse than an unbeliever (1 Timothy 5:8). Even unbelievers understand the importance of providing for their loved ones.

Many of us can recall instances where our fathers worked hard to ensure we had food on the table and clothes to wear. They may not have been wealthy, but they made sure our basic needs were met. Their sacrifices and efforts deserve our gratitude.

II. Faithful Instruction

Fathers play a crucial role in instructing their children. The apostle Paul advises fathers not to exasperate their children but to bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). This means teaching them about God's ways and guiding them in righteousness.

Our fathers have imparted valuable wisdom and advice to us throughout our lives. They have taught us important life lessons, such as the value of education, hard work, and integrity. We should express our gratitude for their faithful instruction, especially when it includes teaching us about the Lord.

III. Godly Illustration

Fathers serve as examples for their children, demonstrating what it means to live a godly life. The apostle Paul encourages us to follow his example as he follows the example of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). While fathers are not perfect, they can still provide positive illustrations for their children.

We should appreciate the times when our fathers have shown us what it means to love and care for others. Their acts of kindness, compassion, and selflessness leave a lasting impact on our lives. By emulating their godly examples, we can strive to become better individuals.


In conclusion, let us express our gratitude to our fathers for the many things they have done for us. We are thankful for their material provision, faithful instruction, and godly illustration. Whether they are still with us or have passed away, we should honor and appreciate them. Let us also remember to thank God for the gift of fatherhood and seek to emulate His love and care in our own lives.

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