
Gratitude: A Christian's Journey

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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In the Bible, giving of thanks goes far beyond an annual American celebration on a day we remember to thank God for a multitude of blessings. It is a preoccupation of every Christian and extends even to those elders who are "before the throne" in heaven.


Today, I want to explore the significance of thanksgiving in our lives as Christians. While Thanksgiving is often associated with a single day of gratitude in America, the Bible teaches us that giving thanks goes far beyond an annual celebration. It is a continuous attitude and action that should permeate every aspect of our lives, even in the presence of God Himself.

I. The Example of the 24 Elders

In the book of Revelation, John witnesses a scene in heaven where he sees 24 elders seated before the throne of God. These elders fall on their faces and worship God, giving Him thanks. Their thanksgiving is specifically directed towards God's justice and His reign over the nations. This act of continuous thanksgiving by the elders before the throne serves as a reminder that thankfulness is an eternal preoccupation for all believers.

II. Thanksgiving in the Old Testament

In the Old Testament, thanksgiving was an integral part of Israel's worship and relationship with God. The Israelites were instructed to offer thanksgiving offerings at the place God chose for His name to dwell. This place eventually became Jerusalem, where the temple was built. David, Asaph, and other leaders appointed by David were responsible for leading the people in giving thanks to God. Even after centuries had passed, the songs of thanksgiving composed by David and Asaph continued to be known and used.

III. Thankfulness in Everyday Life

Thankfulness is not limited to religious ceremonies or special occasions; it is a fundamental part of our daily interactions. We express gratitude for even the smallest favors received, such as a kind gesture or a simple act of service. Thankfulness is an attitude that should permeate our lives and influence our interactions with others.

IV. Giving Thanks to God

Thanksgiving is not just a duty or obligation; it is an opportunity to glorify God. When we give thanks, we acknowledge His goodness and faithfulness in our lives. Our thankfulness glorifies God and demonstrates our recognition of His grace and blessings. It is through thanksgiving that we align ourselves with God's purposes and bring Him honor.

V. Thankfulness vs. Complaining

Thanksgiving and complaining are two contrasting attitudes that we can adopt in response to God's dealings with us. The Israelites in the wilderness serve as an example of complaining, even after God provided for their needs. In contrast, David, despite the challenges he faced, continually expressed thankfulness to God. Thanksgiving neutralizes our differences and unites us as equals before God, regardless of our circumstances.


Thanksgiving is not limited to a single day or a specific season; it is a way of life for believers. It is a powerful tool that enables us to find comfort and joy in all circumstances. As we enter this Thanksgiving season, let us embrace the attitude of thankfulness, not only for the blessings we receive but also for the challenges that shape us. May our lives be marked by continuous thanksgiving, bringing glory to God and reflecting His goodness to the world around us.

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