
Summary: I want to expose Lucifer for who he is and what he is trying to do to God’s people.

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The Word of God was sent to us in the form of a man. And His name was, and still is, none other than Jesus Christ.

He is the living Word of God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

We have come to God’s House to see Jesus as our Savior. But I also have a message the devil is not too happy about. I want to expose Lucifer for who he is and what he is trying to do to God’s people.

Jesus wants to set each of us free with the power of the Word of God. Jesus told us in I John 3:8 that He came to earth to, “destroy the works of the devil.”

Jesus also tells me in,

John 14:12

"…he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do…”

We all can destroy the works of the devil through/with the authority of Jesus Christ.

Text: Isaiah 14:12 thru 14;

John 1:14 thru 17


The Lord has purposed us to live victorious.

Perhaps you have faced struggles from time to time that you don’t understand.

This morning I trust that God’s Word will help us to see our lives as overcomers of the devil.

There are few things about the devil that is important for you to know.

1. The Devil has come to tempt us.

This is his first step in the devil’s attempt to destroy our lives.

I John 2:16 tells us the devil will tempt us with the “Lust of the Eye.”

What does that mean?

The devil will take the evil things of this life and dress them up.

The devil wants to make the evil things appear to look good. Enticing to the eye. This is the deception of the devil.

Did you know that the devil is not really that concerned how you sin? He really doesn’t care what kind of sin he can get you involved in, as long as it is sin.

Sometimes we may think about a particular sin and say to our self, “I shouldn’t do that…”. And even though we don’t fall into that particular sin, we will go and commit some other type of sin.

It really doesn’t matter to the devil what your particular sin is, as long as he can convince you to sin. This is because he wants to overcome us with his next step.

2. The Devil has come to accuse you.

The actual sin isn’t what the devil is interested in.

Rather, it is the Guilt and Condemnation the act of sin brings to your life.

The devil is cunning with how he wants to “DISGRACE” you.

If we find ourselves living in guilt and condemnation, we will then see the devil’s next step of destruction.

3. The devil has come to rob you.

The devil will then rob you of the authority that God has given you. The devil wants the position/seat you have with Christ.

The longer you live in the guilt and condemnation of sin, the more the devil will control your life.

If you let him, the devil will:

· Have an opportunity to rule over you.

· Control your thoughts.

· Manipulate you into living a life of defeat.

How will I know when this happens?

You’ll know. You will no longer have the peace & joy of the Lord.

You will know when the devil has robbed you. You will sense there is something missing.

As we have read in Isaiah 14, the devil originally wanted his throne to be “exalted above the stars of God.” The devil said that he wanted to “be like the Most High.”

Aren’t you glad this morning that the devil didn’t get his way? God kicked the devil out of heaven, and then Jesus came and “destroyed the works of the devil.”

Since the dawn of time, the devil has always wanted to dethrone the Lord.

And this is exactly what he wants today.

The devil wants the position you have with Christ. That’s all the devil wants.

The devil will to steal that from me.

How about you?

Jesus paid too high of price (for my soul) for me to just let the devil take it away.

The devil wants to rule in power and control from the heavens. In other words, the devil wants what Christ has given to you.

I must warn you today. The devil has not given up on what he wants.

The devil knows that Jesus Christ has all of the power and authority of the universe.

The devil doesn’t like that, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to take that away from Jesus and you. Whatever it takes!

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